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Level 2

QBO - Payroll and Lack of Control


I have been doing books and payroll for over 20 years now. We just migrated from the QB Desktop version to QBO. Regarding payroll; I feel as if I was a manager who was knocked down to an entry - level employee. Like one at a register that has to light up there pole and call a manager every time there is a void or error that is easily fixed, but someone took my badge/code to correct it even though I know how to do it.


For example. I had trouble the first payroll as the Federal tax tables were not calculated properly. I called QBO support and got someone that knew NOTHING about payroll (CASE ID: [removed]) this rep pushed/processed a paycheck without my knowledge OR consent not only with the incorrect federal w/h but with the wrong check date! He asked for the next employee effected...I told him it was not a w-4  indv. employee problem but a global problem and I could not afford the time to sit while he "corrected" each employee effected so I ended the call. That is when I realized he had processed a payroll with the wrong date. Could I correct it...? NO! I have yet to get it corrected as it was a holiday weekend. I spend over 30 min. on hold yesterday for someone from the payroll dept. as I was in the que 3rd in line and had to leave. This messed up my tax liab. which it was in the 2nd qtr. rather than the third.


EDIT NOTE: I have gotten a few solutions to edit. Please note this paycheck has already processed via Direct Deposit so I am locked out of any editing abilities.


Does ANYONE know if this "Big-brother" payroll leash is able to be bi-passed?

4 Comments 4
QuickBooks Team

QBO - Payroll and Lack of Control

Allow me to share a few information about your payroll so you'll be able to correct the date when processing a paycheck., KLee-LLC.


Sometimes, it becomes necessary to process and correct payroll manually. You can delete and recreate them so you'll be able to correct the date of your paychecks. To delete a paycheck, follow the steps below.

  1. On the left panel, click Payroll then Employees.

  2. Click An Employee, and go to the Paycheck list tab.

  3. Choose, and click a Paycheck.

  4. At the bottom menu, click Delete or Void.

  5. Put a Check Mark in the I understand that this action cannot be undone box.

  6. Click Delete Paycheck.

To recreate a paycheck, here's how:

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online.
  2. Go to the Payroll menu and select Employees.
  3. Go to Employees.
  4. Select Run Payroll.
    • If you have more than one payroll schedule, select the schedule, then Continue.
    • Select the employees you'd like to pay.
    • Enter the hours and memos.
  5. Select Preview payroll.
  6. Select Preview payroll details or Submit payroll.
  7. Select Finish Payroll.

In addition, you can also run several payroll reports so you'll get the information you need for your business and employees. For more information, here are the available reports in QuickBooks Online Payroll: Run Payroll Reports.


Let us know if you need anything else with payroll. I'm only a few clicks away in case you need help. 

Level 2

QBO - Payroll and Lack of Control

It was a Direct Deposit Check so QBO will not allow my to delete, void, or edit the paycheck. :(

Level 3

QBO - Payroll and Lack of Control

Have the funds already cleared? If not, you should be able to go to payroll overview > View Paycheck list, and make adjustments. 

Unfortunately I have also found that the support is lacking terribly, and there is no way to get to someone who can answer questions without waiting for them to go through a chat queue with their "back end team". I have been sitting on hold for 20 minutes now waiting to get answers on a tax issue I submitted 34 business days ago. They tell you it will take no longer than 21 for resolution but here I am at 34. And the people handling taxes and resolving issues dont get phones so you cant even talk to the people handling and messing up your taxes directly. It is quite a mess if you ask me. 

Level 2

QBO - Payroll and Lack of Control

Yes, I agree. They do not have enough qualified payroll representatives to handle the issues regarding payroll. If they would take the Big-brother controls off, there would not be as great of a need for people to call in so often.

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