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Due to my line of work, # of employees and income, I do not need to pay NH Unemployment Tax. How do I fix that through my Payroll Tax Center?

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Due to my line of work, # of employees and income, I do not need to pay NH Unemployment Tax. How do I fix that through my Payroll Tax Center?

It's great to see you here today, @comeauc6


Let's go to the Pay section to set up your employees as exempt from the NH Unemployment Tax. This way, the system won't auto-calculate this tax when creating future paychecks for them. I'll guide you how. 

  1. Go to Workers or Payroll from the left menu and choose Employees.
  2. Click the employee's name.
  3. Under Employee Details, click on the Pencil (Edit) icon beside Pay.
  4. Click on the Pencil (Edit) icon under the question What are (employee's name) withholdings?
  5. Select the Tax exemptions drop-down arrow. 
  6. Check the NH SUI and Admin. Contribution box. 
  7. Choose Done


The screenshot below shows you the last three steps. Repeat the process above for the other employees in your company. For the detailed instructions, refer to this article: Payroll Tax Exemptions



Once done, let's clear the NH Unemployment Tax amount from showing due in your Payroll Tax Center. Just choose Enter Prior Tax History and select Add Payment. For more details, visit this article: Help Guide. Then, scroll down to the page and go to Option 2 under QuickBooks Online Payroll.


We always want to make sure we're compliant with the state rules and regulations. Thus, I'd suggest checking out this website: NH Payroll Tax Compliance. It has in-depth details about the forms, unemployment tax, general state & agency, and employer registration. 


The Community and I will be around to help if you need anything else. Keep safe always. 

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