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upgrade notification

When I start Quickbooks Desktop 2023 I get a notification about a qb upgrade exe and asks if I want to upgrade, but it doesn't say what it would upgrade to.  What is this notification?

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QuickBooks Team

upgrade notification

Hello there, @Bec75. Welcome to the QuickBooks Community. We know how precious time is for you. We want to ensure we're providing accurate information to get around this. I'll provide additional information about QuickBooks Desktop subscription.


The notification you are receiving when starting QuickBooks Desktop 2023 is likely prompting you to upgrade to the latest version of the software. QuickBooks Desktop 2023 is a subscription-based service, and Intuit no longer offers one-time licenses for versions 2022 and higher.


When a new version of QuickBooks is available, you'll get a message when you open QuickBooks. We make it simple for you to upgrade. To upgrade to QuickBooks Desktop 2023, follow the instructions below to upgrade to a newer version from within the software. Here's how:


  1. When you’re ready, select Upgrade Now.
  2. Select Keep the old version on my computer if you want to keep your current QuickBooks. Then click Let’s go. QuickBooks downloads, installs, and activates the new version for you. It updates your company file(s).
  3. When the upgrade is done, hit Open QuickBooks.


If you don’t see a prompt to upgrade, don’t worry. It means you made a one-time purchase of QuickBooks. You can upgrade with the easy upgrade tool. Follow these steps:


  1. Go to Help, and then Upgrade QuickBooks.
  2. Select the version you want to upgrade to, then select Upgrade Now.
  3. You can keep a copy of your current version of QuickBooks. Select Keep old version on my computer, then select Let’s go.


Check out this article for more details: Upgrade QuickBooks Desktop Pro, Premier, or Enterprise.


Please be aware that upgrading your software may take longer depending on your internet speed and the size of your company files. It is recommended to create a backup company file before proceeding with the upgrade and to verify that your system meets the requirements for compatibility.


In addition, check out our QuickBooks website for the latest prices: QuickBooks Plans and Prices.


You know where to go if you have follow-up questions or other concerns about managing your QuickBooks account. Always here to help. Have a great day.

Community Champion

upgrade notification

RE: it doesn't say what it would upgrade to. What is this notification?


Not sure. There are different notification messages. What does yours say, exactly?  A screenshot might help...

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