Hello there, dcdned. I'm here to explain the differences and uses of collections and A/R aging reports.
An A/R Aging Summary Report tracks unpaid customer invoices by categorizing them based on how long they are outstanding. The report breaks down the receivables into different age categories depends on what interval days you'd like to input in Interval (days) and Through (days past due) field. A Collections Report shows a customer's transactions, including outstanding receivables, to help collect debts.
Since you mentioned that there's one customer whose balance isn't showing in your collections, it's best to set the date to all first. Afterward, use your A/R aging report to see how many days this specific customer has past due and enter the number in the Past Due field.
Here's how:
Step 1: Open your A/R Aging Summary report and locate your customer
- Go to the Reports menu.
- Choose the Customer & Receivables dropdown, and click A/R Aging Summary report.
- Under the Date dropdown, set it to All.
- Enter your Interval (days), and Through (days past due) according to your preferences.
- Click Refresh located right beside with Collapse Rows.
- Don't close your A/R Aging Summary report and proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Open your Collections Report and use your data in the A/R Aging Summary report
- Go to the Reports menu.
- Choose the Customer & Receivables dropdown, and click Collections Report.
- Under the Date dropdown, set it to All.
- Enter a number in the Past due field according to your A/R Aging Summary report.
- Click Refresh located right beside with Hide Header.
Furthermore, you can also export your transactions if you want to use it outside QuickBooks.
Keep me notified if you have further questions regarding with reports. I'm always available and willing to help.