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Level 3

QB online - Late payment fee not working

We have been using the 'Late payment fee' option in  QB online for several years now. Beginning of the year this feature simply stopped working. This is not a third party service we use. It is activated under account & settings, sales, late payment. I contacted QB online chat and phone chat several times, one 'specialist' even used the remote control and checked my setting. Everything looks just fine but no overdue invoice gets charged a late payment fee. I was added several times to an investigation and only get following reply: 

Thank you for requesting updates on Automatic Late Fee not applying to invoices.. After a, thorough evaluation our engineers have been unable to reproduce the report behavior. As a result, we’ve closed the current investigation. If new information surfaces we may re-open this investigation. We appreciate your understanding.

Pardon me? 

12 Comments 12
QuickBooks Team

QB online - Late payment fee not working

I hear your sentiments, @JD93


This isn't the kind of experience we want you to have. We'd like to take a closer look at your issue so we can provide a timely resolution. Rest assured, you'll get a call from someone anytime soon to help further investigate this matter.


If you have any other concerns about QuickBooks, feel free to post again in the Community.

Level 1

QB online - Late payment fee not working

We also are having the same issue! I just went through and manually added a late fee to 112 invoices tonight and some of our paid invoices should have had interest on them but when QBO has been doing it automatically for me since the beginning, I don't expect to have to double check their work. I have checked my settings, nothing has changed and they look just like they should to make this feature work automatically. I also checked the settings on the main account holders username incase I may be not able to see something, and they look just the same. Nothing has changed, so why is this not working now? Unfortunately, I work a different job during the day so trying to get ahold of someone to fix this is difficult.


QB online - Late payment fee not working

 I'm here to share some information about applying late fees to your invoices, @Joanne92


Our Product Engineering team is aware of the issue of late fees that are not applying to invoices automatically and is working to create a solution that will resolve it. We're now taking steps to address this problem. This is a top priority for us, and it'll remain so until it is entirely fixed. 


To constantly receive an update about this, you can be added to the email list by reaching out to our Customer Support team. Then, let them add you to Investigation No. 73057.


You can reach them by going to the Help icon at the top right of the account. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Help icon to connect to a live support agent. 
  2. Provide us with some information about your concern.
  3. Select the Contact Us button and provide some details about this concern, then on the Let's talk button. 
  4. You'll now be provided options on how to connect to our team.


Check this article for more information about the different types of support we offer and their availability: QuickBooks Online Support.


In the meantime, you can open and edit your invoice to manually add the late fees. Here's how:


  1. Go to the Sales menu and then proceed to the Invoices tab.
  2. Find the invoice and click on the dropdown under the Action column. 
  3. Choose View/Edit to open and edit the invoice.
  4. Click on Save once you're done.


See this article for more information about adding late fees to invoices automatically: Set up and apply automatic late fees to invoices. That will also guide you on how to edit the name for how a late fee appears on your invoices.


After sending them the invoice and receiving their payment, check out this reference on how to record it in the account: Record invoice payments in QuickBooks Online.


You can always get back to me if you have questions or other concerns about adding late fees to your invoices or anything else, by leaving a comment below. I'm always here to assist. Have a great rest of the day.

Level 1

QB online - Late payment fee not working

I just noticed that this is happening in our account, too. This is very frustrating!!!


QB online - Late payment fee not working

Things are tough right now, @rubiconmechanical. I understand how hard this is for you. Not to worry because I'm here to share workarounds you can use in fixing the late payment fees issue.


Before we begin, let me first discuss some details about this.


Currently, the investigation for the Auto Late Fee features not applying to invoices after the allotted time is still in progress. Rest assured that our product developers are bound to resolve this as soon as possible. Also, I'd recommend reaching out to our Customer Care team to link your account to the investigation. For the process, you can follow the detailed steps outlined by my colleague, MaryJoyD. 


Once connected, you can provide this investigation number: INV-73057 so they can check the details and directly add your account. After that, you'll be able to receive updates about the issue and information once it is resolved.


While this is an ongoing issue, we don't want to delay your work. We have a recommended workaround you can use in the meantime. This is to manually add the amount of the late fees on the invoices. Please refer to the instructions by my colleague, MaryJoyD to proceed. 


Once everything is set, you're now ready to process your customer's invoices


I want to know how the call goes. I'd be glad to hear updates about your interaction. If you have additional questions about handling late fees, please post a response below. I'm always around to lend a hand. Have a nice day and take care.

Level 2

QB online - Late payment fee not working

I've been having this same issue for probably over a year now. When I contact Quickbooks I get several different responses: it's working's not set up correctly... we see no's NEVER their fault, always mine. I have mine set up for 14 days but it never goes on until the 16th, fine I can live with that. Then it stopped working, then when I complained they give me the excuses and even blame ME for the problem. Since my complaint it works sporadically and all my accounts now have random late fees, some too early, some doubled and some at later date than it should. Now this month it's not working at all again! So, I basically have to do them all manually every month which takes LOT of time! Yet the fees for the program go up it seems every year...doesn't give me a good feeling about this program at all!

Level 1

QB online - Late payment fee not working

I just spent an hour on the phone with customer service regarding this issue, only to be told that they couldn't resolve it because I wouldn't let them have access to my entire computer via remote connection. To be clear, I did the step with customer service where they had remote access to just my Quickbooks online, and they confirmed that I had everything set up properly and automatic late fees should have been applied to one of my customer's invoices. Then I waited for about 40 minutes while the support rep went back and forth with the "escalation team." She came back telling me I needed to download software to give the escalation team access to my entire computer, otherwise they couldn't help and I'd have to wait for them to do an investigation. (Even though they also confirmed this is a known issue reported by many of their customers.) I couldn't do what they wanted because I do remote work with access to sensitive client data. So they told me they will have the issue resolved in 1 - 2 days and if I wanted any compensation for my wasted time or features that didn't work, I'd have to call back again after it's resolved. So - y'all - when my issue is resolved in 1 - 2 days after your weeks and weeks of not having your same issues resolved, I'll let you know the fix! *sarcasm* I'm looking for a new online accounting and invoicing software. Anyone have a recommendation? (Sorry Intuit, your Quickbooks fees have increased dramatically and you're not doing a great job for your customers. We deserve better.)

Level 3

QB online - Late payment fee not working

I'm also having this issue, in 2024. The late fee is supposed to add 1% daily after a one day grace period.


With rents due June 1, QB has only added ONE days of late fees and it is now June 5.

QuickBooks Team

QB online - Late payment fee not working

I know how important it is to add late fees to overdue invoices, ProSapien.


Currently, we're investigating late fees not applying to invoices automatically in QuickBooks Online (QBO). Please be assured that our engineers are working diligently to resolve this problem.


I recommend contacting our QuickBooks Support Team to be added to the affected users list for email updates on the investigation's status and resolution notification. To expedite the transaction, provide this investigation number INV-101708.


Here's how:


  1. Go to the (?) Help icon.
  2. Select Talk to a Human.
  3. Enter a short description of your concern.
  4. Click on I still need a human.
  5. Tap Contact Us to connect with our live support.
  6. Choose to Get a callback.


In the meantime, you can manually add the late fees to your invoices. For the detailed steps, please see this article: Apply Late Fees as a Line Item.


Additionally, I've added a link to help you automatically or manually remind customers of soon-to-be-overdue invoices: Set up invoice reminders.


Please keep us posted if you need assistance with late fees and managing sales transactions in QuickBooks. We want to make sure your record is accurate.

Level 2

QB online - Late payment fee not working

Good luck getting this feature to work properly. I've been having issues for 2 or 3 years and it's never gotten fixed. Issues I've had are not posting late fees, not posting on the correct day so I go in and do manually and a few days later the late fees appear so I have to go in and take out the double late fees, only posting to certain accounts and not others, posting late fees on current balances with a date from two years ago. It just goes on and on. Another feature I have an issue with is it only posting late fees 6 months back. I have customers that are YEARS behind so I have to do all of those manually as well. I just have to go in and do the late fees myself and hope for the best. Quickbooks keeps going up in price every year and is full of bugs. If I had my way, I'd use a different program.

Level 3

QB online - Late payment fee not working

Simply looking at this single thread, the issue has existed for TWO YEARS. At what point should we recognize the tech team is not, in fact, working to create a solution?


Not a rhetorical question.

Level 2

QB online - Late payment fee not working

Unfortunately, I figured it out long ago. Whenever I have an issue I'm told it's my error and I don't know how to use the program.Customer service doesn't seem to want to help so if I have an issue I just have to work around it myself as I know they won't fix anything. I might as well invent my own program at this point. If it was my company and my decision, I would! I guess they have so many users and raking in enough money so they just don't care. My opinion at least...


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