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Level 2

Quickbooks has no fix.

For the packing slip issue on the new layout, they still have NO FIX for not being able to print packing slips. Its beyond frustrating as many of our businesses ship products. You can also no longer switch back to the old layout as of today. Good job Quickbooks...way to roll out a new version without testing it first.

2 Comments 2
QuickBooks Team

Quickbooks has no fix.

Hello there, Jojo130.


I recognize how vital for businesses to print the packing slips. This makes it easy for customers to keep track of what is in the shipped goods.


The issue you're experiencing with printing the form mentioned above has already been reported to our engineers. Rest assured, they're all hands on deck working toward finding a permanent resolution. This is to ensure all affected customers can get a copy of the packing slip. 


If you haven't signed up to the notification list to receive email updates, I recommend contacting our QuickBooks Online (QBO) Care Team. One of our specialists will add your information in a secure space. Contacting them ensures you're in the loop on the progress of the investigation.


  1. In your company, go to the Help icon in the upper right to display the support window.
  2. Head to the Assistant tab and enter a brief description of your concern in the Type something bar.
  3. Press the Get help from a human link to see more options.
  4. In the How would you like to connect with us? section, choose Chat to initiate a conversation and Callback to speak with an agent.


To learn more about our support hours, click here: QuickBooks Online. Also, these links cover topics about printing a packing slip and switching to the old estimate and invoice layout:



Furthermore, these resources will help users with any customers and sales forms-related tasks:



I appreciate your patience while we're working on this issue. Know that you can always visit the Community for any QuickBooks concerns or issues. I'll get back to make sure you're taken care of. 

Level 2

Quickbooks has no fix.

Your reply is meaningless, as this issue was reported over a week ago with no "fix" on the horizon.

Do better.

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