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Deadwood Al
Level 4

Various screens throughout QuickBooks

Every QuickBooks version I've worked with:


Every screen I can think of that shows a number of line entres ... Customer Center, Vendor Center, Chart of Accounts, Item List, etc.   ... Many of the column widths need to be adjusted to clearly display the contents of the column in each of the list screens, and if multiple screens are open, if you navigate away to another screen and then return, you have to resize the columns all over again. This seems to be a waste of time over and over ... I wouldn't mind doing it once but to have to do it repeatedly every day and usually multiple times a day gets frustrating.


Is anyone aware of a way to get each of these list display screens to hold the column widths so us poor users can stop spending our time resizing columns over and over?

2 Comments 2
QuickBooks Team

Various screens throughout QuickBooks

Hi there, Deadwood Al. I see how challenging it can be to adjust column widths constantly when using the program. Rest assured, I'll do my best to help you achieve your goal of streamlining this process.


Although there isn't a built-in feature to permanently save column sizes, you can use the Multiple Windows viewing mode. With this method, the columns stay the size you customize, even if you switch screens or navigate away in the Item Lists, Customer, Vendors, and Employees Center.


Here's how: 

  1. Go to the View menu.
  2. Click the One Window, then Multiple Windows.
  3. When opening a list, ensure to maximize it.


See the attached sample for visual reference.



I see how essential having a built-in feature to retain column sizes in QuickBooks Desktop permanently, so I recommend sending feedback to our product development team.


To send feedback:


  1. Hover to the Help menu. Select the Send Feedback Online option.
  2. Choose the Product Suggestion, and a pop-up window will appear. 
  3. Type your feedback suggestion in the space provided.
  4. Click the Send Feedback button.



Be assured your unique ideas will be carefully reviewed and may be considered for future updates.


Moreover, I'm adding an article to help you manage your dashboard displays: Customize your QuickBooks Desktop Display.

Utilizing the Multiple Windows mode can significantly reduce the need for repeated resizing, Deadwood Al. If you need further help, feel free to add a comment below! I'm consistently here for you. 

Deadwood Al
Level 4

Various screens throughout QuickBooks

Thank you for your reply, but I seem to have a different experience than you. My system is already operating with Multiple WIndows selected, but if (for example) I look at the Chart of Accounts and resize the columns, then go to a window that displays the Item List, then go back to the Chart of Accounts window, the Chart of Accounts is again in default mode, as if I had never resized the columns. Not sure how yours is different than that ....??? I'm on Enterprise, but it's been this way from way back in 2007-8 on Pro and Premier as well as Enterprise., And I have submitted this (and several other suggestions) to the black hole where Feedback goes with nary a peep or any noticed changes. I don't believe that they actually listen to users suggestions because they don't understand what it is like in the real world of accounting. Too cynical? Probably.     


I was just hoping that maybe someone found a way to accomplish this somehow ... magic or even the dark arts!                                          

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