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Level 3

Shipping Address disabled after upgrade

Last Friday looks like our invoice got updated without out approval. We managed to locate out Invoice and Estimate templates and cotninue using them, the problem is that the data entry form also changed and now we cannot longer enter the shipping address per Estimate/Invoice as we used to.

How can I got back to the old data entry format? Spent 4 hours with 2 specialist they keep have no idea what happened nor why it was changed.


See attach image to better describe my request and, at this point, we're desperate for a solution as the new work flow (enforced by QBO) is time consuming. Thank you community!

3 Comments 3
Level 3

Shipping Address disabled after upgrade

It doesn't look like my image was attached. Let's try again.



QuickBooks Team

Shipping Address disabled after upgrade

Good day, @ACSCalifornia. Thanks for taking the time to add a screenshot. 


The option to go back to the old format is unavailable in the program. However, I can still help you enter or edit the shipping address in your estimates or invoices in the new update. 


To do this, we can go directly to the customer's profile and set up the Shipping address from there. Here's how:


  1. Go to Sales and select Customers.
  2. Click the name of the customer, then select Edit.
  3. In the Addresses section, enter the shipping address and billing address.
  4. Select Save.


I can definitely see how the option to switch back to old layout is beneficial to your business. Therefore, I'll take note of this as a suggestion. You can also send feedback to our developers so they can review your request and most likely include it in future updates.


You can track feature requests through the QuickBooks Online Feature Requests website.


For additional reference about the update, you can check out this article: See what’s new with estimates and invoices in QuickBooks Online.


Leave a comment below if you have further questions about managing your sales transactions. I'm always here to help.

Level 3

Shipping Address disabled after upgrade

Wow! I feel like I'm in a relationship where my feelings don't count. Where the success of my company is irrelevant to QB.
You guys break work flows making processes slower and don't care whether these changes have any negative impact on your customers. At minimum there should be a opt-out options if the upgrade impact is negative so that you programmers can go back and review the changes.  Amazing!!!

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