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Level 2

Entering Monthly Bill for Liability... Double Billing Perhaps?

I started using the bill pay feature in QBO just recently. For all of the assets the company has acquired on credit thus far,  I have done the following:

1)  Set up the fixed asset and its contra asset account for depreciation

2)  Set up the related long term liability.

In the past, as payments are made, I simply select the liability account, reducing the balance of the liability. At year's end I do a journal entry to book the interest by debiting interest expense and crediting the liability account.


So now, having begun to use the bill pay feature, I am concerned that if I enter a bill for the liability in order to pay it through QBO bill pay, it will do the following:  1) upon entering it, increase the liability, and 2)  subsequently decrease the liability when I pay it, therefore creating a wash and not reducing the liability account.


How do I avoid this, or does QBO not increase the liability account when a bill for said liability account is entered?


Please help. Thank you all!!

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Community Champion

Entering Monthly Bill for Liability... Double Billing Perhaps?

The Fixed Asset and Depreciation should be dealt with as you do with any Fixed Asset. 


The loan payment has to do with the Liability for the loan and the interest expense.  For that you should have set up two Accounts:

XYZ Bank Loan  (Long or Short Term Liability)

XYZ Loan Interest (Expense)


The cash received from XYZ Bank should show as a deposit in your bank account and should be associated with the XYZ Bank Loan Acct.  Any transaction or other EXPENSES (fees, cash the owner took, etc.) that are related to that Loan should also be associated to that XYZ Bank Loan Acct.  Before any loan payments are made to the bank ,the balance shown in QBs should be the Principle owed that is shown by the bank.  (If not, figure out why or it will be an issue at the end of the loan.)


When you enter the payment in Bill Pay, the first line will be the Principal amount and you will associate it with the XYZ Bank Loan account.  The second line will be the Interest due and you will associate it with the XYX Loan Interest Acct.  The balance of the actual payment to the bank should equal the monthly payment.  


You should then be able to go into your Chart of Accounts and to the XYZ Bank Loan Acct and Reconcile the account and what you show as Principle Owed should match the bank's statement. 



Level 2

Entering Monthly Bill for Liability... Double Billing Perhaps?

Got it. Thanks. I actually just noticed that the bill entry did not decrease the liability, only after the bill was paid did it do so. Very helpful, thank you so much.

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