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Level 1

Paying a contractor who also owes us money

I managed the books for a youth sports club.   We purchased an airline ticket for a coach to take her husband on one of the travel trips.  The coach would like us to apply her coaching stipends & reimbursements towards her husband's ticket.  It could take a couple of months to pay it off (and she could still owe us money(.   How to I record this correctly in QBO?   

2 Comments 2
Level 2

Paying a contractor who also owes us money

How did you enter the cost of the ticket when you purchased it?


When I pay our contractors, I create a bill that sometimes has multiple line entries.  Most of the entries have a category that has something to do with Subcontractor expenses - and for the description I enter information about the job they did that I'm paying them for. 


If it were me and when I purchased the ticket for her I entered that transaction in QuickBooks with a category of "travel", I would create a bill that has:

  • a line for each of her stipends and reimbursements with appropriate categories, descriptions and amounts
  • I would add another line with 
    • category of "travel",
    • description of "repayment of airline ticket for spouse - Prior Balance: $$$, Balance after this payment is applied:  $$$
    • amount: negative of (the smaller of the total of the income lines on the bill or the amount she still owes you).


Alternatively, instead of a category like "travel" when the ticket was purchased, you could create a new "asset" in the chart of accounts that is something like "Loan to Employee X".  Then that asset would be used as the category for both the ticket purchase and the repayment listed on the bills.  When that asset goes to zero, her debt is repaid.

Level 1

Paying a contractor who also owes us money

Thanks...   Interesting, I forgot that when I kept the books for another company, I would often call those expenses 'employee loans'.   


The ticket was purchased and it was lumped into all the club airfare travel for that tournament.  


If I am applying her coaching stipends to the ticket, and I just creating journal entries each month until it paid off?   I want to be sure that her coaching stipends are recorded properly so that we know how much was paid out for her coaching time (even if it is just being put towards this ticket).

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