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Level 2

Payment Method field in Receipts is blank

I enter all information including payment method and reference (Cash, Check # or Credit Card ref #) but the payment information does not print on my sale receipt.   I went to the custom form style to see if the box was checked next to the payment method but there was no option for the payment method in the content display.  Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

2 Comments 2

Payment Method field in Receipts is blank

Hi there, steinv. 


I see how important to print the sales receipt reflecting the selected payment method. It ensures a visual representation of how your customer pays you.


Given that the chosen payment method is not showing when you print the sales receipt, I suggest considering utilizing a private browsing mode. This approach helps to isolate and address potential browser-related issues, leading to a more seamless experience. Here are the shortcut keys:


  • Google Chrome: Ctrl Shift N
  • Safari 11 or newer: ⌘ Shift N
  • Mozilla Firefox: Ctrl + Shift P
  • Microsoft Edge: Ctrl Shift P


If the Payment method shows, I recommend going back to your original browser and clearing its cache to start fresh. If the same things happen, use another supported browser


When doing so, choose the standard template or appropriate template you want to edit. Then, tick the Payment Method box. Here are the steps that'll walk you through the complete steps:


  1. Go to the Gear icon and select Custom form style.
  2. Pick the standard template.
  3. In the Content tab, choose the header part of the form.
  4. Under the Display section, remove the checkmark for Payment method box. Then, Done.
  5. Once saved, tick the Payment method box again. Then, Done to reflect the changes.


We're here to help you anytime. Feel free to visit again if you need more assistance. We'll work together to make sure you can manage your books confidently using our platform.

Level 1

Payment Method field in Receipts is blank

I have some write to this topic, you can read this 

It sounds like you're using a software application or platform to generate sale receipts, and you're encountering an issue where the payment information (such as Cash, Check number, or Credit Card reference) is not printing on the receipt.
This issue could be due to a few different reasons:

Template Configuration: It's possible that the template you are using for your sale receipts is not set up to display the payment method or reference information. You mentioned checking the custom form style settings, but if there's no option for payment method in the content display, you might need to modify the template itself.
Field Mapping: The fields you're entering payment information into might not be properly mapped to the corresponding fields in the receipt template. Double-check the mapping to ensure that the payment information is being linked to the correct fields for display on the receipt.
Software Glitch or Bug: Sometimes, software applications can have glitches or bugs that prevent certain information from being displayed correctly on generated documents. Check if there are any updates available for the software and consider reaching out to their customer support for assistance.
User Permissions: Depending on the software you're using, there might be user permissions that control what information is displayed on receipts. Make sure that your user account has the necessary permissions to include payment information on receipts.
Customization Options: Some software platforms allow for extensive customization of templates. You might need to access more advanced customization options to add the payment method and reference fields to your receipt template.
Data Entry: Ensure that you're entering the payment information correctly in the designated fields. Mistyped information could lead to it not being displayed on the receipt.
Support Documentation: Check if the software you're using has any official documentation or guides on how to include payment information on sale receipts. There might be specific steps you need to follow.

Given the specific nature of your issue and the software you're using, it's recommended to reach out to the customer support of the software provider for assistance. They should be able to guide you through the process of configuring your receipt template to include the payment information properly. Providing them with specific details about your software, version, and the steps you've taken so far will help them troubleshoot the issue more effectively.
Thanks for read this, i hope my information is good.

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