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Level 3

QB help

Has anyone had a QB person exit the chat without answering your question?  Granted, I was very frustrated and not happy but the guy just exited the chat.  I the QB person should not only give their name but a badge or employee number, this way we can go to a complaint department and let them know what happened.

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QuickBooks Team

QB help

Hi there, SteveDescharme. I acknowledge the challenges you've encountered. I'll hear you out on this.


To provide better assistance, I need more details about your concerns with QuickBooks Time.


Any additional information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


I'll be on the lookout for your response. If you have additional concerns or any other QuickBooks-related concerns, feel free to include them in the comments. I'll be glad to lend a hand.

Level 3

QB help

It is case# 15117786475.  this person ERIC said he read the case # and said he might know what is wrong.  He started chatting about customers, I told him this has nothing to do with the customers but employees.  We then shared my screen, he went into the customer's file, picked a vendor/customer and started to associate the "class" to each vendor/customer. I again informed him that this had nothing to do with customer/vendors.  I then mentioned that I was losing my patients with him and showed him how I went into the QB timecard entry and tried to show him where the class dropdown screem was working.  During this time, he exited the chat.

Level 11

QB help


When you are chatting with a support person and the person seems ignorant, you should immediately end the chat and start a new chat to find someone new. We always do this trick.

Level 3

QB help

That works but starting over sucks.  


I actually did this about 4 times and finally got someone who answered my question quickly!

Level 3

QB help


What was happening was the dropdown menu for the "class" field would work the first time and then would be stuck, it would not drop down for the next entry.  You could delete the class option that was there and it would work. - that is what the users figured out for a work around.  Until this last payroll it was working well, no problem.  I had one user said he switched to chrome.  Other than that, I don't know exactly what changed.  It only freezes on a few users.

Thanks for your help,


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