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Account printing order on balance sheet

I'm using desktop and want Accumulated Depreciation to print at the last line item in the fixed asset section of the balance sheet. I'm not using account numbers. Right now Acc. Dep. prints at the top of the fixed asset section.

2 Comments 2

Account printing order on balance sheet

It's nice to see you here, @RS1405,


Being able to sort the lines on a Balance Sheet report is a great idea. However, at the moment this preference is not yet available, so the sorting is default and unchangeable. If you want to print it with the sorting you want, you can export the report to Excel.


To export, tap the Excel icon at the top of the report, then select Create New Worksheet.


On the worksheet, you can move the lines or add and remove columns.


Please know that we take your requests or suggestions security seriously and our engineers are working hard towards this goal. We can't provide the turnaround time if they will release additional report options. They work on product enhancements internally.


Despite that, we want to make sure your voice to be heard and be put in action. If you have any product suggestions to our developers about our report preferences, go to the Help menu and select Send Feedback Online.


If you need anything else, please let me know in the comment. I'll be more than happy to share some help with you. Have a good one!

Community Champion

Account printing order on balance sheet

You can control the order of the accounts on the balance sheet by setting the same order on your Chart of Accounts.


By default, your chart of accounts is in what Intuit calls "natural" sort order, by alpha within each account type.

However, you can customize the order by manually dragging the accounts into the desired position within each account type.


Here's a screenshot of a balance sheet in a sample company, where the chart of accounts is in the natural order:


To change the order, 'drag' the accounts to be in the desired order by clicking on the little diamond to the left of the account. Click and hold the mouse button down, then drag the account to where you want it and let go.


For example, here I drug the Accumulated Depreciation account to the end of the Fixed Asset account section:


When I Refreshed the balance sheet, the order changed to match.


Hope this helps!

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