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Level 1


Good Morning!!!


       I want to record a truck that I was using for personal use and now I am using for business use but I didn't purchased with company's money but I have the cost of it, I just want to know how to entered in system.

3 Comments 3


Good morning vale30,


Welcome to the QuickBooks Community! Since you explain that you use your personal funds to pay for a business expense, you could record an owner's contribution or capital investment in your business. Once you set up an equity account, the next step would be to record the investment.


Before this process, if you have connected your bank account, there is no need to record the investment but categorize the transaction associated with your deposits. However, if this is not the case, proceed with these instructions.


  1. Select + New and click Bank deposit.
  2. Choose the bank account you're depositing the money into from the Account ▼ drop-down menu.
  3. Add the Date you deposited the money.
  4. In the Add funds to this deposit section, enter the investor's name in the Received from the field.
  5. Choose the appropriate equity account from the drop-down list in the Account field.
  6. Enter a Payment method.
  7. Enter the investment amount in the Amount field.
  8. Click Save and close.


Step three involves the payback of funds from the investment; use this article to help guide you with this.


Please let me know if you need any clarification or have any questions as you follow the steps. I will be on standby. I hope you have a fantastic day! 

Level 1


Thank you,


   But what I'm stuck is that I have a truck that I have it for personal use and now I'm use it for business and I want it to recorded as an asset of the company and depreciated by the time for tax purposes.  The issue is that I purchased with my personal money that I don't care but I want to ad the cost and use it for an asset to the company.

Level 3


This would be an owner contribution to your company but the value you record should be the value of the truck on the day you started using it for your business, not the purchase price when you originally bought it for personal use. You can find the value of used vehicles online. I would set up an asset account for the vehicle, you could name it Work Truck, for example. Then use a journal entry to add the truck. The accounts affected would be the new asset account and your equity account. It would be best to consult an accountant to make sure it is recorded correctly. I am sure using the "add funds to deposit" is not the correct way to add a vehicle as an asset.

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