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Level 1

How do I account for a remittance deduction from Walmart for product?

We receive remittance deductions, from Walmart, for products (finished good) for various reasons.  Once we have gone through the claims process and have been denied refund, how do we account for these deductions within QuickBooks Enterprise for Manufacturing?  The deduction needs to be recorded by product to maintain quantity and value records of the products being deducted.

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Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

How do I account for a remittance deduction from Walmart for product?

Do you have a Walmart Marketplace account? Are you using a certain app to connect your account with QB Desktop?

Level 1

How do I account for a remittance deduction from Walmart for product?

We have access to Walmart Retail Link and we use the SPS Commerce Fulfillment Monitor adapter to receive orders and return invoices from our QuickBooks file.  SPS Commerce does not have an adapter for receiving Walmart remittance data.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

How do I account for a remittance deduction from Walmart for product?

I noticed one connector is able to send and receive the  transaction documents of 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice. 

Level 1

How do I account for a remittance deduction from Walmart for product?

We're looking for solutions within QuickBooks, not externally at this point.

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