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Level 1

I need help about my account and also need somebody speak Spanish

3 Comments 3
Content Leader

I need help about my account and also need somebody speak Spanish

Hola, alvarochis.


I don't speak much Spanish but I can help point you in the right direction.


I recommend reaching out to speak with a member of the QuickBooks Online Support Team. Here's how:


1. Click the Help button in the top right corner.

2. Select Contact Us.

3. Enter Support in the field and choose Let's talk.

4. From here you can select to receive a callback at a time that's convenient for you, or begin a chat session.


Once you're connected with an agent, they can bring a Spanish translator on the line to relay messages.


I'll be here if you have any other questions. Take care!

Level 1

I need help about my account and also need somebody speak Spanish

Alguien está para ayudarme en espanol

QuickBooks Team

I need help about my account and also need somebody speak Spanish

Encantado de que te hayas unido a este hilo, @williepainting.

Veo que ha publicado una pregunta similar en el espacio de la Comunidad y mi colega ya la respondió.


Si aún no lo has leído, puedes consultarlo visitando este enlace:

En caso de que tenga alguna otra inquietud con su cuenta de QuickBooks Online (QBO), no dude en etiquetarme en su respuesta. ¡Estaré cerca para respaldarte!


Descargo de responsabilidad, utilicé una herramienta de traducción para traducir el idioma al español.


Nice to have you joined this thread, @williepainting.


I see that you've poster a similar question in the Community space and my colleague has already responded to it.


If you haven't read it yet, you can check it out by visiting this link:


In case you have any other concerns with your QuickBooks Online (QBO) account, please don't hesitate to tag me in your reply. I'll be around to back you up!


Disclaimer, I used a translator tool to translate the language to Spanish. 

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