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Level 3

(QBO Advanced) I have custom fields configured / shared for both invoices and bills, however they only appear on Batch Transactions > Invoices. How do I get these same fields to appear on Batch Transactions > Bills / Expenses?

Title is self-explanatory.  What am I missing?  Everything seems to be configured correctly.  Need help with this ASAP.

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

(QBO Advanced) I have custom fields configured / shared for both invoices and bills, however they only appear on Batch Transactions > Invoices. How do I get these same fields to appear on Batch Transactions > Bills / Expenses?

Hi there, ballade4.


I can help with the issue you're having where custom fields are not appearing on batch transactions in QuickBooks Online for Bills/Expenses.


It's important to note that QuickBooks Online does not currently support custom fields for bills/expenses in the batch transaction feature. Any custom fields you have set up won't be visible when creating or editing batch transactions.

However, there are a few solutions you can consider to solve the problem at hand. By considering these alternative options, you can find a way to move forward and overcome your challenges.


  1. Manually enter the custom field data: If the custom field information is crucial for your transactions, you may have to manually enter it for each transaction instead of using the batch transaction feature.
  2. Use a third-party app or integration: There are several third-party apps and integrations available in the QuickBooks App Store that can provide additional functionality, including the ability to include custom fields in batch transactions. You can explore these options to find a solution that suits your needs.


I understand this feature is important. Rest assured, our team is continuously working towards improving our services and adding more features for our users. Please share your feedback with our Product Engineering team, which will help us enhance our products and services. Your valuable feedback is highly appreciated.


To submit feedback for QuickBooks Online, here's how: 


  1. Go to the Gear icon and select Feedback.
  2. Provide your product suggestion.
  3. Click on Next to submit feedback.


I recommend utilizing our website's tracking system to ensure that your suggestions are properly tracked. By doing so, you can easily monitor the status of your suggestions and receive updates on any progress or changes made.


Your patience is highly appreciated as we work to enhance our functionalities. Thank you, and have a great day!

Level 3

(QBO Advanced) I have custom fields configured / shared for both invoices and bills, however they only appear on Batch Transactions > Invoices. How do I get these same fields to appear on Batch Transactions > Bills / Expenses?

What are you talking about?  I do not have time for jokes.  The custom fields are already joined to these tables behind the scenes, there is absolutely no rational reason for why they would not be accessible in this manner.

Level 3

(QBO Advanced) I have custom fields configured / shared for both invoices and bills, however they only appear on Batch Transactions > Invoices. How do I get these same fields to appear on Batch Transactions > Bills / Expenses?

I am still waiting for you to provide this information.

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