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Level 2

QBO - I need a transaction report that shows ALL transactions by "Customer/Project" field

How can I get either a report, or dump the data to Excel or use Access to pull ALL the transactions from QBO where I can sort and filter by the "customer/project" field.  The user who set up this instance of QBO did not set up projects.  Just "customers".  Then another user started creating and trying to move transactions to the "project".  I need to provide ONE report per "customer" or "customer/project" to show total cost (be that expense, vendor bills, etc.


I need to do this yesterday and I cannot seem to find ANYTHING in QBO that is actually helpful

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QuickBooks Team

QBO - I need a transaction report that shows ALL transactions by "Customer/Project" field

Good day, @kathRSC.


I'll show you the steps on how you can view your project report and export them through QuickBooks. 


Project reports can only be accessed from the Project Center. All of the project transactions you made will be reported on this page. 


You've mentioned that another user moved your transactions to the project menu. If the transferring of data were successful, then this should show in the Project reports. 


To verify, you can check the CUSTOMER / PROJECT column in the Invoices tab. This will show you the list of invoices that are created inside QuickBooks. If the transaction was linked to a project, then the customer name should show as "name of the customer: name of the project". 

Here's how:


  1. Go to Sales and select Invoices.
  2. Under the CUSTOMER / PROJECT list, look for the transactions that show as name of the customer: name of the project.


If you're unable to find one, you have to open each transaction and manually select the customer that was linked to the project. Just click the invoice and select Edit invoice. Then, click the Customer drop-down list and choose the customer. Once done, click Save


This should now show in the project reports. To export your data to Excel, simply go to the Projects menu and select the name of the project. Then, click Project Reports and choose Project Profitability.


You can now customize the report and export it to Excel. Just click the Export button and select Export to Excel to download your data. 


That should do it. Please let me know if you need further help in viewing your transactions in QuickBooks Online. I'll be more than happy to help.

Level 2

QBO - I need a transaction report that shows ALL transactions by "Customer/Project" field

Thank you for your time. It was not addressing what I actually needed but I have since found a resolution 

Again, sincerely appreciate your time!  Not sure how to note my issue has been resolved so as not to waste anyone’s time


take care!  K

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