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Level 1

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

Quickbooks enterprise 2024, We are having problems when running build shortage reports. It would appear when there is a shortage of any item in the main assembly (can be item or assembly) causes the items of sub-assemblies to show up in the shortage list even if there are enough of the sub-assemblies on-hand.  What is displayed is a false shortage but makes it nearly impossible to use the shortage list.

This is 100% replicable, we have replicated on our live company file and a brand-new sandbox file to ensure that we aren't using "corrupted data" and yes, we have verified, rebuilt and sent our file off to the "QB Doctor" 


Assume we want to build: 

Assembly A consisting of: 

        -Item A - 4 required, 4 on-hand - OK

        -Sub-assembly A - 1 required 3 on hand -- OK

               Sub assembly A contains: Sub-Item1 - 1 required to build sub-assembly A, 0 on hand (OK because sub-assembly A is already on-hand)

The Scenario above builds with NO errors, this is great.....  Now here is where the problem happens: 

If everything stays the same except you try to build Assembly A , with only 3 of Item A on hand, it will come up with the menu with the shortages button, if you display the shortages here is what you see: 

A Shortage of Item A by one item ---- This is correct

A Shortage of Sub-item1 ---- This is incorrect!!!!! , this part should not be in the list, It is a part of sub-assembly A which we already have 3 on hand, but somehow is calculating quantities needed from the QOH of the subassembly items.  This is grossly wrong and makes a HUGE mess if you are only missing one part in the entire build. 


The quantity of items required to build a sub-assembly should not even be looked at if there is sufficient quantity of the sub assembly already on hand.  (yes this happens WITH or WITHOUT automatically build sub-assemblies checked and as I mentioned these are false reports because when you have sufficient quantity of all the other item(s) it builds with no issues and all parts are taken out of inventory properly. 


Essentially this can cause 1 shortage to show tens, hundreds, or more  of false shortages depending on what is in your main assembly


Step by step screen shots can be uploaded if necessary. 

9 Comments 9

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

I commend you for reporting this issue with us, diamondeng.


Pulling up an accurate Shortage Report for Build is essential in every business. I'm here to assist you in resolving this.


There are no known concerns similar to this one. As an alternate, manually check and count the build assembly for the short items and adjust the inventory count.


In addition, I'm sharing this article to learn about combining inventory items: Combine your inventory items to build finished goods.


Furthermore, you can check this article for more benefits in tracking inventory, which includes assigning items purchased to a specific location and moving your inventory to another location: Multiple Inventory Sites.


If you require further assistance managing reports or related matters, reply to this thread. I am here to support you at any time.

Level 1

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

Thank you for your reply, I realize a text description is not the best therefore I have attached screenshots to show the actual problem.  It is very clear that one part shown in the shortage list does not belong there and not an actual shortage. I would like this to be recognized as a legitimate known issue and assigned a ticket number so that your developers can correct the problem.  While not a huge problem for a simple assembly as shown, but if with a bunch of sub assemblies there could be hundreds of false shortages shown making the shortage report useless.  Your developers are welcome to reach out to me for further instructions to replicate the problem. 



QuickBooks Team

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

Thank you for adding screenshots to get me on the same page, @diamondeng. Let's go over your Shortage report to clarify the deficit item assemblies.


As of designates the point in time from which something occurs. In this case, you'll want to take note of the Date you selected items in the Build Assembly window.


For instance, you added 5 in the available quantity on December 20. However, the reporting period you've set on the report ends on December 15. Therefore, it will show a mismatch because of the indicated term. See these screenshots below:







Let me add the article on how you can track the products you build using inventory items. 


If there's a need to modify your inventory, scan this resource for more information: Adjust your inventory quantity or value in QuickBooks Desktop.


Feel free to drop me a line if you're struggling with inventory in QuickBooks. I'd be happy to offer you my expertise. 

Level 1

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

This is not an AS of issue, Everything you see was created within 5 minutes of each other simply to show the bug... 

Its VERY clear , there is an item in the shortage that does NOT belong there.   Actually this issue has been going on since 2021, I dont know if it's been fixed, or maybe fixed and re-broken. but here is a link to another person who had the SAME issue and has explained it in every way possible.


Can you please take another look at the item that does NOT belong in the shortage report. that item is NOWHERE in my assembly being built. 

QuickBooks Team

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

Hi there, @diamondeng.


I appreciate you for working hard to find a fix for the incorrect display of the item in the shortage. Let me direct you to the best help possible.


To further investigate this and check the root cause of the issue, I recommend contacting QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) support. They will be able to pull up your account in a safe environment. Here's how:


  1. Open QuickBooks.
  2. Go to Help, then select QuickBooks Desktop Help/Contact Us.
  3. Give a brief description of your issue, then select Continue.
  4. Sign in to your Intuit account. Select Continue and then Continue with my account.
    • If you don't already have an account, make sure to Create a new account.
  5. We'll email you a single-use code. Enter your code and select Continue.
    • If you have more than one account, select the account you want to use and then Continue.
  6. Select to chat with us or Have us call you.


If you want to learn how to adjust your inventory of finished goods, you can read this article: Adjust your inventory of finished goods.


Please touch base with me here if you have any questions or clarifications about inventory items. I’ll be here to help you out. Take care always

Level 1

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

Hello Bryan, again thank you for the suggestion, per your suggestion we reached out in the exact method you stated, unfortunately the best answer they could give us for us to "hire an accountant for our inventory"  This is not a problem with our inventory this is a problem with the software.  I do not know to what level you can escalate or check an issue, but we submitted this through the bug report a week ago, the reference numbers are.  15111328219 and INV-96097


Do you have the ability to check the status of this case, or add this current thread to the case as it may contain more details not originally submitted. 



QuickBooks Team

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

Hello there, diamondeng. I understand the urgency of resolving this issue.


Upon checking here on my end, the investigation is already closed. You can take a look at the inventory center to see the available quantity for the items you are using.


Additionally, since you're still experiencing the same issue, I suggest contacting our Customer Support Team again. This way, they can pull up your account securely and investigate this further.


You might also want to check these articles to learn how to use inventory assembly:



Don't hesitate to leave a comment below if you need further assistance with inventory in QuickBooks. I'll be here to help.

Level 1

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

Hello Maybelle, 


I do not know why this issue was closed, it has not been resolved, this is not an issue with our inventory on hand, this is an issue with the shortage report that is generated. 

We have called quickbooks support multiple times, at one time a technician acknowledged the problem as he was remoted in and witnessed it with his own eyes but was unable to escalate the issue.  which brought me to this forum to try and get this issue acknowledged and repaired by your development team. 


There is no justifiable reason why the shortage report is showing the items that it does. 


What is the proper steps for getting this issue resolved? 


Thank you








QuickBooks Team

Build shortages displaying incorrectly - showing items of sufficient quantity sub-assemblies as shortages.

We hear your sentiments, diamondeng.


I can imagine the hurdle you've been through when trying to solve this matter. The reason why it's important to contact our customer support team is because they have the tools and expertise needed to access your account and review these concerns thoroughly. Their dedicated team will be able to provide you with the appropriate guidance and assistance to address your concerns.


Additionally, you can refer to this article for insights into adjusting your finished goods inventory without affecting component stock: Adjust your inventory of finished goods.


If you have other concern besides inventory, please post them here in the Community. Stay safe!


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