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Level 2

I accidentally marked an invoice as paid. How do I change it back to unpaid? (QBSE)

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QuickBooks Team

I accidentally marked an invoice as paid. How do I change it back to unpaid? (QBSE)

Hello there, David. 


I’m here to assist you with handling an invoice that has been accidentally marked as paid in QuickBooks Self-Employed (QBSE).


In QBSE, a paid invoice can't be changed to unpaid. However, we can still fix this by duplicating the invoice. Then, we can delete the paid invoice. I'll guide you through the process.


  1. In your QBSE account, go to Invoices.
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow under the ACTION column.
  3. Select Duplicate.
  4. Select the drop-down arrow for the invoice marked as paid under the ACTION column, and click on Delete


If you need help managing sales taxes in QBSE for the products and services you sell, you can refer to this article: Manually track sales tax in QuickBooks Self-Employed


You're always welcome in the Community if you have follow-up questions about reverting the paid invoice to unpaid in QBSE. We're committed to offering ongoing support. Take care. 

Level 2

I accidentally marked an invoice as paid. How do I change it back to unpaid? (QBSE)

Thank you, but this is not helpful. I've already sent the invoice to the client and they've entered it into their accounts payable system. Deleting it will mean the invoice URL doesn't work anymore and cause more confusion

Can you please submit a feature request?

Other versions of QBO contain this feature – why not QBSE?




I accidentally marked an invoice as paid. How do I change it back to unpaid? (QBSE)

You're welcome, David. We are happy to assist you.


I'm here to share additional information about invoices in QuickBooks Self-Employed (QBSE). 


I completely understand your concern about deleting the invoice and the potential confusion it may cause.  Also, I will forward your request to our team for consideration. We are continuously working to enhance and update QBSE, and we take all customer feedback into account.


Additionally, I recommend you submit your feedback from within the product using the following steps:

  1. Go to the Assistant button from the top bar.
  2. Enter Send feedback from the chatbox.
  3. Click on Add a feature and enter your suggestion.


Check this article for more information about setting up invoice preferences, creating an invoice, and process payments: Create invoices in QuickBooks Self-Employed.


Once you receive their payment, here's how you can add it as a transaction to tag it as income: Manually add transactions in QuickBooks Self-Employed


Feel free to come back if there's anything else I can help you with your invoices or anything else. I’ll be around to assist further. Enjoy the rest of the day.

Level 1

I accidentally marked an invoice as paid. How do I change it back to unpaid? (QBSE)

This REALLY needs to be implemented. It's confusing for my own records because now I have to track one invoice separately than the rest. Invoicing the client a second time just for my own records is not an acceptable or reasonable solution here.

So.. here's a few solutions that I think are reasonable:
1. Simply allow our invoices to be unmarked as paid
2. Allow us to duplicate an invoice WITHOUT  sending that invoice to the client

QuickBooks Team

I accidentally marked an invoice as paid. How do I change it back to unpaid? (QBSE)

Hello there, @Frostydog.


I appreciate you suggesting these two options on invoices. while these features aren't available, I'll walk you through on how you can send feedback directly to our product developers so they can review and include your suggestions on adding the option to unmark paid invoices and allow duplicate invoices without sending them to the client.


Here's how:


  1. In the Gear icon, select Feedback.
  2. Enter your suggestions.
  3. Once done, click on Next to submit.


Additionally, you can check out this article to guide on how you can track how much tax you collected and add sales tax to an invoice: Manually track sales tax in QuickBooks Self-Employed.


Community is always open if you have further questions or concerns with the features and processes in QuickBooks Self-Employed. We're here to help. 

Level 1

I accidentally marked an invoice as paid. How do I change it back to unpaid? (QBSE)

None of this works. When I delete a paid invoice QB says

"This erases the invoice forever. You can’t undo this. This invoice was already paid. Deleting it won’t delete the payment. Instead, we’ll automatically apply the payment to your customer’s next invoice."


QuickBooks Team

I accidentally marked an invoice as paid. How do I change it back to unpaid? (QBSE)

Hi there, ORCSM. Let me clarify things for you to ensure you can make well-informed decisions with your transactions. Deleting invoices in QuickBooks Self-Employed doesn't affect your reporting since the invoices are mainly for record-keeping.


The error you've encountered appears when the invoice payment was processed electronically using credit, debit, or bank. The workaround provided by my colleague above is applicable if you manually mark the invoices as paid.


However, if you want to mark electronically processed invoices as unpaid, duplicate them. Then, delete the original and then the payment. This process prevents creating a credit balance for your customers.


Since the option to directly mark the invoices as unpaid is unavailable in QBSE, I recommend sending feedback to our product development team.


You can follow these steps:


  1. Hover to Invoices, then select Create invoice.
  2. On the upper left side, click Feedback



On the other hand, if you'd like to keep a record of your receipts, you can email them to QuickBooks Self-Employed. The system will scan the images and automatically input the details. 


Should you require further clarification on marking a paid invoice as unpaid, please feel free to reach out by clicking the reply button.

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