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I need to print out just my business expenses for 2021, and I don't want to print out all of my accounts. Can I be specific?

I need to print out just my business expenses for 2021, and I don't want to print out all of my accounts. Can I be specific?  Can I print just my business expenses ?

1 Comment 1
QuickBooks Team

I need to print out just my business expenses for 2021, and I don't want to print out all of my accounts. Can I be specific?

Yes, you can, @iclausen. I'll make sure you can print out all of your business expenses for 2021 in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


We can print out your business expenses seamlessly by following the steps below:


  1. From your QBO account, navigate to the Expenses menu.
  2. Select the Expenses tab.
  3. Open the Filter dropdown menu and set the date range to your specific date.
  4. Customize other fields, then select the Apply button.
    Expenses 1.PNG
  5. Tap the gear icon at the top-right if you want to include other columns in your Expenses List.
    expenses 2.PNG
  6. Click the Print list button next to the Export to Excel button.
    Expenses 3.PNG
  7. After clicking, you'll be routed to the window where you can print out your expenses list.


You can also export this expenses list to Excel, which offers greater variety and control for your data. See this article for more info: Export reports, lists, and other data from QuickBooks Online.


Furthermore, I'm adding this article to further guide you in managing your expenses and vendor accounts in QBO: QuickBooks Help Articles for Expenses and Vendors. It includes topics about paying expenses, managing inventory, and purchase orders, to name a few.


Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about printing your expenses list in QBO. I'm always here to lend a hand. Stay safe and have a dazzling day ahead!

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