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I need to update my office address.

1 Comment 1

I need to update my office address.

Let's go to the Company menu so you can update your office address, @outreach. The steps are quick and easy. I'm here to show you how. 

  1. Go to the Settings (Gear) icon at the upper right. 
  2. Select Account and Settings under Your Company
  3. Go to Company from the left menu. 
  4. Choose the Address section.
  5. Update your Company address
  6. If you want the same address that your customers can see in their sales forms, check the Same as company address box under the Customer-facing address section. You can also choose this option for your legal address. 
  7. Click Save
  8. Choose Done


The screenshot below shows you the last six steps. 



You can always go back to the Company menu so you can update your business contact email, phone number, company name, legal name, and EIN. To learn more about this page, check out this article: Change Your Business Info


Please let me know if you need anything else. I'll gladly help, @outreach.

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