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Need to find a deleted estimate or look through old emails

1 Comment 1

Need to find a deleted estimate or look through old emails

I've got a way to fix this, @louies_ac


Currently, there isn't an option to recover a deleted estimate. I'd suggest using the Audit Log to get its details, including the email history. This way, you can manually recreate it. I'll guide you how. 

  1. Go to the Settings (⚙️) icon at the upper right.
  2. Select Audit Log under Tools
  3. Choose the appropriate User, Date, and Event(s) from the Filter drop-down menu.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Locate the deleted estimate. 
  6. Under the History column, click View.
  7. Go to the Last Sent section and then use it to look through the old emails from your inbox.
  8. Recreate the estimate with its original transaction date.


The screenshot below shows you the last two steps. For the detailed instructions, check out this article: Use The Audit Log To Re-enter Deleted Transactions



Once recreated, you can run the Estimates by Customer report to view the transaction's status. Just go to the Reports menu and enter its name in the Search box to access it. 


When your customer accepts the estimate, convert it to an invoice. After that, the system will automatically mark it as closed and post it to your sales account. 


Just click the Reply button below if you need anything else. The Community and I will be around to help. 

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