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Level 1

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

I failed to include a billable item on an invoice and deleted the invoice thinking that I could start over, but now I see that those items that had been applied to the invoice are no longer on the list. How do I put them back so they can be applied to a new invoice?

Best answer December 20, 2018

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Community Champion

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

There is no "easy" way other than returning to the original transaction where you marked the time and costs as billable and recheck the box to make them billable again.

Otherwise just add the time and costs to a customer invoice. They don't see any difference unless you show them your markup (never a good idea)

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Community Champion

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

There is no "easy" way other than returning to the original transaction where you marked the time and costs as billable and recheck the box to make them billable again.

Otherwise just add the time and costs to a customer invoice. They don't see any difference unless you show them your markup (never a good idea)

Level 15

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

You go to the original purchase, timesheet, etc, and Click on the little "billed invoice" icon, to make it Billable, again.

It is only a Status; this is Perfectly safe to do.

Level 1

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

I am grateful for your reply, but have an additional question. After deleting an invoice and creating a replacement as you have described, is there some simple way to verify that all of the relevant purchases have actually been made billable and billed again, but not duplicated?


Thank you,


QuickBooks Team

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

Hi there, roystallard.


I'd like to join this discussion and provide additional insight.


After some thorough research and testing, I found that the simplest and most accurate way to verify this is to go to your customer's Transaction List. Then, double-click the invoice that was created for the billable items to open it up. In here, you can check that all the relevant purchases are included.


Here's how you can get there:

  1. From the Customers menu, choose Customer center.
  2. Select the customer's name.

Lastly, you may go back to the Transaction List and check other invoices to make sure it hasn't been duplicated. You may also pull up the Unbilled Costs by Job report, but this will only show you which items were marked as billable that hasn't been invoiced yet. Here's how you can pull it up:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Jobs, Time & Mileage, then Unbilled Costs by Job.
  2. Click the Customize Report button.
  3. Change the From and To date as necessary.
  4. In the Columns section, search for the Item column, then select it.
  5. Click OK, then Done.


That should do it. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you. I'm always happy to help.

TSS Troy
Level 2

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

I could try this but I can not see the procedure?

can you please list in order the operations?

TSS Troy
Level 2

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?


can you please ex[plain your operations in order?


How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

Thank you for joining the thread, @TSS Troy

Are you referring to the steps provided by my colleague, AldrinS? If so, here's how:


First, go to your Customer Center to check to the customer’s profile. Then, check the invoice from the Transactions tab. You can refer to the screenshot that he provided.


You can also have the Unbilled Cost by Job report to view your open billable items or expenses. Here’s a detailed steps: 

  1. Click the Reports menu and choose the Jobs, Time and Mileage tab.
  2. Select the Unbilled Cost by Job report.
  3. Go to the Customize Report button and click the Filters tab.
  4. Select the Billing Status in the Filter Selection box.
  5. Choose Not billable or Unbilled.

Please let me know if there's anything that I can help you with by leaving a comment below. Have a wonderful day!

Level 1

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

Is there also a way to restore a deposit that was made against a job?  We receive deposits for jobs.  When I deposit the money, it creates a billable expense.  I accidentally deleted the invoice and now the deposit does not show up as a billable expense so I can put it on the new invoice.


How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

Hello there, jenny46.


I'm here to ensure you can restore a deposit that's made against a job in your QuickBooks Desktop account. This way, you'll be able update and manage your billable transactions. 


Deposits and invoices are two different transactions. Ideally, when you accidentally deleted the invoice, the deposit should remain in your account. Since the deposit isn't showing as billable expense that you can add to your new invoice, you can pull up the Audit Trail report to check its details. Then, make it billable again.

  1. Go to Reports menu.
  2. Select Accountant & Taxes.
  3. Choose Audit Trail.
  4. Click the Customize Report button.
  5. Go to the Filters tab.
  6. In the Search Filters field, type in Transaction and select Transaction Type below.
  7. Select Deposit from the Transaction Type field.
  8. Click OK.


I've attached a screenshot below that shows the fourth to eighth steps.


Once done, you can now link the deposit to the new invoice you created.


Additionally, with QuickBooks Desktop's job costing tools, you'll be able to see how much money you spend and make for each job. To accurately record your job cost, you can refer to this article for the compete details: Tracking job costs in QuickBooks Desktop.


Please let me know if you have other concerns. I'm just around to help.

Brooke W1
Level 1

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

I have a side bar question to this one.  If I created an invoice but applied too many items/costs, but have not deleted the invoice, how can I remove certain items and get them back into Unbilled Costs?  Can I "edit" the invoice?

QuickBooks Team

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

Thanks for joining in this conversation, @Brooke W1. Yes, you can edit the invoice and remove some items. Just ensure the billable box for the items is checked. Otherwise, you'll have to delete and recreate your invoice. 


Here's how: 


  1. Click Customers, and then Customer Center.
  2. Select the customer's name, then click the Transactions tab.
  3. Choose the invoice you want to edit, then right-click and select Edit Transaction.


For future reference, read through this article to help you learn about adding, editing, and deleting items in QuickBooks Desktop. 


I'll be here if you have any more questions. Feel free to post anytime.

Level 1

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

What if the billable item what created within a paycheck?  I don't see a way to mark it billed/unbilled.

QuickBooks Team

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

Allow me to provide a few information about marking as billable items in payroll, StrngrDanger.


I know how beneficial for you to mark an item as billable if you have created it within your paycheck. For now, you can only do this when creating an invoice in QuickBooks as mentioned by @katherinejoyceO. You'll want to use Timesheet entries for good Job Tracking, and includes the Service item column and set your employees to be Paid from Time Data. 


For more information, please check this article for more information: Tracking job costs in QuickBooks Desktop. Additionally, I've also included this helpful article for the different reports you can pull up and get a better understanding of your business's financial status: Track your cash flow in QuickBooks Desktop.


If you have any other questions aside from billable items, please let me know in the comment section. Stay safe!

Level 1

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

I created an invoice with time and expenses.  Now I want to reverse the creation of that invoice so all the time and expenses show as unbilled.  How do I do that?  I have not deleted or voided the existing invoice.  


How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

Hi there, @Lisa237. I'm here to help you make the billable time and expense unbilled. 


To make the billable time and expense show as Unbilled, you'll have to delete the invoice that links to them. Once done, you can open reports that will verify that the time and expense are Unbilled. Before doing so, I recommend creating a backup copy of your company file so you'll always have the original information you can restore at any time in case of data loss or damage.


Once done, let's proceed in deleting the invoice. Here's how:


  1. Open your QuickBooks Desktop (QBDT) program.
  2. Then, go to the Customers menu and select Customer Center.
  3. Look for the customer the invoice with billable expense and time is allocated.
  4. Double-click to open the invoice.
  5. Next, click the Delete icon and then, select OK twice. 


Then, to check the billing status, you'll have to open the Time by Job Detail report and Unbilled Costs by Job report. Let me guide you how:


  1. Navigate to the Reports menu 
  2. Then, go to the Time, Jobs, & Mileage section and select the Time by Job Detail report.
  3. Look for the specific customer and find the time.
  4. In the Billing Status columnit must show as Unbilled.
  5. Next, go back to the Reports menu and choose Customers & Receivables.
  6. From there, locate the customer and you can see that the expense transaction's Billing status is Unbilled. 


Also, you can easily customize your template in QBDT if you want to modify your invoice form to include and exclude information you need and don't need.


If you need additional assistance about making the time and expense unbilled, feel free to post a reply below. I'm always around to help you further. Have a good one. 

Level 1

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

How can you click on the unbilled and billed? When i click on the billed it just goes straight to the payroll check that it was done on.


I created an invoice and included billable time but forgot to do the markup so i went back and deleted the invoice. When I went back to create new invoice the billable expenses were not there anymore and when i go back to the reports it shows as billed. I need them to be unbilled so I can create a new invoice.

QuickBooks Team

How do I restore billable time and costs items to the list after they were applied to an invoice that was deleted?

Great to see you in this thread, milesconstruction. Thanks for sharing the troubleshooting steps you’ve taken. I'm here to help make sure your billable expenses are sorted out correctly.


Yes, you're correct. When you go to the reports page and click on the Billed label you will be redirected to the payroll check/expense transactions associated with the deleted invoice.


On the transactions page, you can find the billable expenses and mark them as billable again before applying them to the invoice. Make sure the invoice includes the correct markup to prevent any issues down the line.


I've added screenshots for your reference.billable yes.PNG

billable time cost.PNGMarkup.PNG

I've added this article to learn more about how to modify your template in QBDT: Customize form.


You can also consider checking out this article about tracking jobs in QuickBooks: Track job costs in QuickBooks Desktop.


You can always revisit this page if you have follow-up questions about billable expenses in QBDT. We're always here willing to assist.

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