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Level 1

Transaction List by Customer to include a column for vendors?

I just switched to QuickBooks online. We bill by customer, and need to pull reports of transactions by customer. However, it looks like on the report there is no option to add a column for the vendors of each transaction. Similarly, in the customer section it will show you the billable amount, but not the vendor that bill is from unless I click several times to go into the bill. Is there a way to add a vendor file on the Transaction by customer report?
QuickBooks desktop can do this, why can't it be done in the online version?

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QuickBooks Team

Transaction List by Customer to include a column for vendors?

Hi, @LS7919. I'm here to help. 


Reports in QuickBooks Online (QBO) are different from those in QuickBooks Desktop since both systems are designed to cater to different user needs and preferences. While there's no option to add a vendor column to a Transaction List by Customer report in QBO, I can suggest an alternative report closer to your specifications as a workaround. 


You can consider running a Transaction Detail by Account report following these steps:


  1. Go to Reports.
  2. In the search field, type "Transaction Detail by Account," then select the report. 
  3. If applicable, click on Switch to classic view.
  4. Select Customize.
  5. Choose None from the Group by drop-down menu.
  6. Under the Rows/Columns section, click on Change columns.
  7. Put a checkmark for Customer and Vendor.
  8. Under the Filter section, select Bill from the Transaction type drop-down menu. 
  9. Reorder the columns if necessary. Kindly see the image below in reordering column headers.
    image (2).png
  10. Select Run report.


To save the current customizations of the report, you can refer to this article: Memorize reports in QuickBooks Online.


If you need further assistance running reports in QBO, we'll be here to assist. Have a great day ahead!

Level 1

Transaction List by Customer to include a column for vendors?

Great, this works! Thank you so much!


Transaction List by Customer to include a column for vendors?

Thanks for getting back with the Community, LS7919.


I'm happy to hear AlverMarkT was able to help with finding a report that works for including a Vendor column.


You'll also be able to find many detailed resources about using QuickBooks in our help article archives.


Please feel welcome to send a reply here or create a new thread if there's ever any questions. The Community's always here to help. Have an awesome Monday!

Level 1

Transaction List by Customer to include a column for vendors?

Can you do this in QuickBooks enterprise desktop?  I am unable to find a report that includes vendor spend that includes the customer/job name AND includes payments made to vendors where the customer/job field is left blank.  I would like to see how much we have paid a vendor by job and where job was left blank so we can go back and add in the missing job information.

QuickBooks Team

Transaction List by Customer to include a column for vendors?

Hello there, kaym513. 


To address the requirement of generating a report in QuickBooks Enterprise Desktop that includes vendor spending with customer/job names and payments made to vendors where the customer/job field is blank, users may need to consider customizing existing reports or exploring advanced reporting features within the software.


Here's how:


1. Go to the Reports menu.

2. Select List and then Purchases by Vendor Detail.

3. Select Customize Report.

3. On the Display tab, select Add the Source name, Job statusBalance TotalStart Date, and Projected End columns. You may also want to add Balance Totals (for invoice balances).

4. Next, go to Filter search the Transaction Type then click the bill or transactions you created.

5. Remove any unwanted columns and assign the filters as needed.

6. Select OK.


For further reference, please see this screenshot:


Moreover, presenting the source's name alongside filtering its transaction type will enable you to display the vendor name associated with the customer job. If you need full details on customizing jobs, please refer to this page to see other alternative reports available in QBDT: Customize customer, job, and sales reports in QuickBooks Desktop.


The QuickBooks community is always here for more guidance on creating custom reports that cater to the specific requirements of tracking vendor spending by job. Please notify us if there is anything I can help. Have a nice day.

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