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What are the steps to change the estimate number

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QuickBooks Team

What are the steps to change the estimate number

Good afternoon, @totalconstder.


I have just the steps you're looking for. I'll guide you through changing the estimate number below:


Changing Transaction Numbers

  1. Begin by enabling the setting from the Gear icon (⚙) > Account and Settings > Sales tab > Sales Form Content section > set Custom Transaction Numbers to On > click Save and then Done.
  2. Navigate to the Estimate that you'd like to update the number on. These items are generally listed on the Sales tab > All Sales section. Click to open it.
  3. Edit the number in the Estimate no. field. Select Save and close.
  4. Beginning with your next Estimate, the counter will start on the immediately following number. For example, if you had entered ABC-1, the next entry will be numbered ABC-2 automatically.

Check out our guide on custom transaction numbers for more information. I'm attaching a video below in which I set up a custom sequence for a Journal Entry:


With these instructions, changing Estimate transaction numbers is a breeze. Please touch base with me here should you have any additional questions or concerns, I want to make sure you're taken care of. Thanks for reaching out, wishing you and your business continued success in all future endeavors.

Level 1

What are the steps to change the estimate number

Can I change where the estimate count begins without affecting the invoice numbers?  The invoice number count is fine right now, but the estimate numbers are in the same numerical range and are confusing, so I'd like to change them, but ONLY the estimates.


What are the steps to change the estimate number

Hello, VCW.

I'm here to lend a helping hand in changing your estimates numbers without affecting your invoice number in QuickBooks Online.


To answer your question, yes, you can change the estimate numbers without affecting the invoice numbers. You can also put letters to your estimate numbers to avoid confusion.


Here's how:


  1. Click the Plus icon and choose Estimate.
  2. You can enter E (for Estimate) and number.
  3. Hit Save and close.

Every time you create your estimates it will follow the last sequence number you used for estimates.


You may find this article helpful:


That's it! You can always get back to me if you need more help in changing your estimate numbers. You have a wonderful day.

Level 1

What are the steps to change the estimate number

I am working with QB Premier Manufacturing & Wholesale Edition 2019 and I can not locate the gear icon. I want to generate custom estimate #'s by the date of the estimate e.g. (200518-1)


Please help.

QuickBooks Team

What are the steps to change the estimate number

Thank you for joining the thread, @carlaes.


In QuickBooks Desktop, you can simply input the estimate number you want to associate on the transaction under the Estimate # section. When recording a new estimate it'll use the next number of the previously entered one. If you wish to change the number, you have to do it manually.


Here's how:


  1. Click on Create Estimates from the Customers tab.
  2. Fill in the necessary information on the Estimates window, then enter the desired number you want to add under the Estimate # section.
  3. Save the transaction.

b11 1.PNGb11 2.PNGb11 3.PNG


Just in case you want to use the same number for more than one estimate, a pop-up window will appear informing you that another estimate has already that number. You can keep the number on the estimate but it may cause confusion with the later transactions.

b11 4.PNG


I'm adding this article for additional reference about creating estimates in QuickBooks Desktop.


Let me know if you have any other questions. I'm always here to help. Have a good day!

Level 1

What are the steps to change the estimate number

This counter gets re-setted if you are using App version on Tablet or Phone.  


It turns into blank on the APP version, and you have to find out what your last counter number was on your PC version.  



QuickBooks Team

What are the steps to change the estimate number

I recognize the convenience of using the estimates autonumbering, @LooxGood. Let's perform some troubleshooting instructions to verify if the app's data causes this odd behavior.


There are times when the QuickBooks app data affects its performance. Resetting refreshes it into the default state. This process plays the same role as clearing the cache from your web browser. 


To start, follow the steps below for an iOS:


  1. Go to Menu ☰ and tap Help & Feedback.
  2. Tap Refresh Data.
  3. Click Refresh to confirm.


Otherwise, refer to this instruction for Android:


  1. Go to Menu ☰ then tap More Options ⋮.
  2. Tap Settings, then Refresh Data.
  3. Click YES to confirm.


Once done, take note of the last counter and create an estimate again to see if it continues. If the issue persists, uninstall and reinstall the mobile app. It will help you get the most recent version of the application. 


Here's an article about the limitations: Compare mobile app features.


These resources will guide you in figuring out the new features and transaction conversions:



Let me know how these instructions go on your end. Please don't hesitate to inquire more about estimates. Take care.

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