
QBOA Pro Tax & ProFile T2 forms and schedules

The following chart outlines the T2 forms and schedules that are currently available in QBOA Pro Tax and ProFile.

Form Name QBOA Pro Tax ProFile
5Year 5 year tax summary Yes Yes
AConsent Alberta Consent Form Yes Yes
AEDI AT1 EDI Schedule Yes Yes
AExempt AT1 filing exemption Yes Yes
AGRI Agristability Harmonized Yes
AGRI Agristability Non-Harmonized Yes
AInstalments Alberta tax instalments Yes Yes
AS1 Alberta Small Business Deduction Yes Yes
AS3 Alberta Other Tax Deductions and Credits Yes Yes
AS10 Alberta Loss Carry-Back Application Yes Yes
AS12 Alberta Income/Loss Reconciliation Yes Yes
AS13 Alberta Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) Yes Yes
AS14 Alberta Cumulative Eligible Capital Deduction Yes Yes
AS14Supp Alberta Cumulative Eligible Capital Deduction, Supplemental Worksheet Yes Yes
AS15 Alberta Resource Related Deductions Yes Yes
AS15Supp Alberta resource profits Yes Yes
AS16 Alberta Scientific Research Expenditures Yes
AS17 Alberta Reserves Yes Yes
AS18 Alberta Dispositions of Capital Property Yes Yes
AS2 Alberta Income Allocation Factor Yes Yes
AS20 Alberta Charitable Donations & Gifts Deduction Yes Yes
AS21 Alberta Calculation of Current Year Loss and Continuity of Losses Yes Yes
AS21Supp Alberta loss continuity Yes Yes
AS4 Alberta Foreign Investment Income Tax Credit Yes Yes
AS5 Alberta Royalty Tax Deduction Yes Yes
AS5Tables Tables for Alberta royalty tax deduction Yes Yes
AS8 Alberta Political Contributions Tax Credit Yes Yes
AS9 Alberta Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Credit forms Yes
AS9List Listing of SR and ED projects claimed in Alberta Yes
AS9Supp Alberta Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Credit – AT1 Schedule 9 Supplemental Yes
AS9Worksheet Alberta scientific research and experimental development (SR and ED) tax credit Worksheet Yes
AT1 Alberta Corporate Income Tax Return Yes Yes
Attach Attachments Yes
Audit Audit summary Yes
S89 (CDA) Capital dividends account Yes Yes
CO156.EN Agreement Concerning Regional Ceilings Respecting the Additional Deduction for Transportation Costs of Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Businesses Yes
CO156.TR Additional Deduction for Transportation Costs of Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Businesses Yes
CO1000 Online Filing of the Corporation Income Tax Return by an Accredited Person Yes
CO1012 Application by a Corporation to Carry Back a Loss Yes
CO-1027 Calculation of Instalments for Corporations Yes
COZ-1027.P Payment of Corporate Income Tax, Capital Tax, Registration Fees or Compensation Tax Yes
CO1027.VE Instalments Made and Balance Paid by a Corporation Yes
CO1029.8.33.13 Tax Credit for the Reporting of Tips Yes
CO1029.8.33.6 Tax Credit for an On-the-Job Training Period Yes
CO1029.8.33.6Sum Tax Credit for an On-the-Job Training Period Yes
CO1029.8.35 Tax Credit for Québec Film Productions Yes
CO1029.8.36.5 Tax Credit for a Design Activity Carried out by an Outside Consultant Yes
CO1029.8.36.7 Tax Credit for an In-House Design Activity Yes
CO1029.8.36.DA Tax Credit for the Development of E-Business Yes
CO1029.8.36.DASum Tax Credit for the Development of E-Business Yes
CO1029.8.36.DC Election Respecting the Tax Credit for the Development of E-Business Yes
CO1029.8.36.DCSupp Election Respecting the Tax Credit for the Development of E-Business – Supplementary Yes
CO1029.8.36.DF Tax Credit for Film Dubbing Yes
CO1029.8.36.EL Tax Credit for Book Publishing Yes
CO1029.8.36.EM Tax Credit Relating to Resources Yes
CO1029.8.36.FM Tax Credit for Francization or Training in the Manufacturing, Forestry and Mining Sectors Yes
CO1029.8.36.FO Credit for Training for workers Employed in SMBs Yes
CO1029.8.36.HE Tax Credit for the Modernization of a Tourist Accomodation Establishment Yes
CO1029.8.36.HF Agreement Respecting the Annual Tax Credit Limit for the Modernization of a Tourist Accomodation Establishment Yes
CO1029.8.36.HFSupp Agreement Respecting the Annual Tax Credit Limit for the Modernization of a Tourist Accommodation Establishment Yes
CO1029.8.36.ID Cumulative Limit Allocation Agreement for the Tax Credit for Investment Yes
CO1029.8.36.IDSupp Allocation of the cumulative cap Yes
CO1029.8.36.IN Tax Credit for Investment Yes
CO1029.8.36.MA Tax Credit Pertaining to the Diversification of Markets of Québec Manufacturing Companies Yes
CO1029.8.36.PM Tax Credit for Corporations Specialized in the Production of Multimedia Titles Yes
CO1029.8.36.PN Tax Credit for Wages for an Innovation Project Yes
CO1029.8.36.SD Tax Credit for Wages Paid by a Corporation Carrying Out a Specified Activity in a Designated Site Yes
CO1029.8.36.SM Tax Credit for the Production of Shows Yes
CO1029.8.36.SP Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit Yes
CO1029.8.36.TI Tax Credit Relating to Information Technology Integration Yes
CO1029.8.36.TM Tax Credit for Multimedia Titles Yes
CO1106 Election by an Investment Institution to have a Dividend Treated as a Capital Gains Dividend Yes
CO1136 Calculation of Paid-Up Capital Yes
CO1136.CS Paid-Up Capital for Purposes of Calculating the Income Tax of Certain Corporations Yes
CO1136CSQInvestment List of qualified investments Yes
CO1137.A $1 Million Deduction Yes
CO1137.E Agreement Respecting the $1 Million Deduction Yes
CO1138.1 Agreement and Election Respecting the Deduction for Farming and Fishing Corporations Yes
CO1140 Calculation of the Paid-Up Capital of a Financial Institution Yes
CO1140.A Paid-Up Capital to be Used for Purposes Other than the Calculation of Tax on Capital Yes
CO1159.2 Calculation of the Compensation Tax for Financial Institutions Yes
CO1167 Insurance Corporation – Calculation of premiums payable, taxable premiums and tax on capital respecting marine insurance Yes
CO1175.4 Life Insurance Corporation – Calculation of the tax on capital Yes
CO17 Corporation Income Tax Return Yes
CO17.R Request for Adjustment to a Corporation Income Tax Return / Info Return for Non-Profit Corps Yes
CO17.SP Information and Income Tax Return for Non-Profit Corporations Yes
CO17-393 IFC Deduction Yes
CO17Deductions Deductions from taxable income Yes
CO502 Election in Respect of a Dividend Paid Out of a Capital Dividend Account Yes
CO771 Calculation of the Income Tax of a Corporation Yes
CO771.2.1.2 Income from an Eligible Business Carried On in Canada by a Member of a Partnership Yes
CO771.2.1.AT Business Limit Allocated to a Corporation That Is a Designated Member of a Partnership Yes
CO771.1.3.AT “Business Limit Allocated to a Corporation That Has Specified Corporate Income “ Yes
COR-17.U Barcode Corporation Income Tax Return data Yes
COR-17.W Keying summary for the corporation income tax return/Sommaire des champs à saisir des déclarations des sociétés Yes
COR-17.X Keying summary for the CO-130.A form/Sommaire des champs à saisir du formulaire CO-130.A Yes
COR-17.Y Keying summary for the CO-771.1.3 form/Sommaire des champs à saisir du formulaire CO-771.1.3 Yes
COR-17.Z Keying summary for the CO-1137.E form/Sommaire des champs à saisir du formulaire CO-1137.E Yes
FM220.3 Forest Producer’s Application for a Property Tax Refund Yes
IN-417.A Information for Software Users Yes
Info Corporate information Yes Yes
Instalments Federal tax instalments Yes Yes
Label Mailing label Yes
Letter Client letter Yes
MCTI Manitoba Corporation Capital Tax Return Yes
Memos Memo summary Yes
MInstalments Manitoba tax instalments Yes
MR69 Power of Attorney, Authorization to Communicate Information, or Revocation Yes
Notes Client notes Yes
Political Political contributions Yes Yes
QCredits Other credits Yes
QInvestments List of qualified investments Yes
QMeals Québec meals ceiling Yes
QS1/CO-17.A.1 Net Income (Loss) for Income Tax Purposes Yes
QS10/CO-130.B Deduction with Respect to Intangible Capital Property Yes
QS11/CO-17S.10 Transactions with Shareholders, Officers or Employees Yes
QS13/CO-17S.11 Continuity of Reserves Yes
QS14/CO-17S.12 Miscellaneous Payments to Residents Yes
QS16/CO-786 Patronage Dividend Deduction Yes
QS19/CO-17S.14 Non-Resident Shareholder Information Yes
QS1Supp Net income (loss) supplementary Yes
QS2/CO-17S.2 Charitable Donations and Gifts Yes
QS21 Non-Business Foreign Tax Credit Yes
CO771.1.3 Associated Corporations’ Agreement Respecting the Allocation of the Business Limit and Calculation of the Business Limit Yes
QS23Supp Allocation of the business limit Yes
QS24/CO-17S.36 First Time Filer after Incorporation, Amalgamation or by Parent Winding-up a Subsidiary Yes
QS3/CO-17S.3 Dividends Received and Taxable Dividends Paid Yes
QS4/CO-17S.4 Loss Continuity and Carryback Yes
QS44/CO-17S.10A Non-Arm’s Length Transactions Yes
QS4Supp CO-17S.4 – Québec loss continuity Yes
CO771.R.3 Proportion of Business Carried on in Québec and Elsewhere Yes
QS50 Shareholder Information Yes
CO771.R.14 Proportion of Business Carried on in Québec and Elsewhere by an Insurance Corporation Yes
CO-17S.232 Summary of Dispositions of Capital Property Yes
CO130.A Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) Yes
QS9/CO-17S.9 Related and Associated Corporations Yes
QSpecial Special tax payable Yes
RACDetails Related and associated corporations details Yes Yes
RACSummary Related and associated corporations summary Yes Yes
RC59X Cancel Business Consent or Delegated Authority Yes Yes
RC59XEFILE Cancel authorization – signature page Yes Yes
RC59EFILE Authorization request – signature page Yes Yes
RC59 Business Consent Form Yes Yes
RD1029.7 Tax Credit for Salaries and Wages (R&D) Yes
RD1029.7.8 Agreement Between Associated Corporations Regarding the Expenditure Limit Yes
RD1029.7Supp Tax credit for salaries and wages (R&D) – Supplementary Yes
RD1029.8.16.1 Tax Credit for Private Partnership Pre-Competitive Research Yes
RD1029.8.6 Tax Credit for University Research or Research Carried Out by a Public Research Centre or a Research Consortium Yes
RD1029.8.9.03 Tax Credit for Fees and Dues Paid to a Research Consortium Yes
RD222 Deduction Respecting Scientific Research and Experimental Development Expenditures Yes
RD222ASupp Payments to subcontractors Yes
RD222BSupp Payments to third parties Yes
S1 Net Income (Loss) for Income Tax Purposes Yes Yes
S100 Balance Sheet Information Yes Yes
S100Notes S100 notes Yes Yes
S101 Opening Balance Sheet Information Yes Yes
S11 Transactions with Shareholders, Officers or Employees Yes Yes
S12 Resource-Related Deductions Yes Yes
S125 Income Statement Summary Yes Yes
S12Adjust Resource adjustments Yes Yes
S12Profits Resource profits Yes Yes
S13 Continuity of Reserves Yes Yes
S14 Miscellaneous Payments to Residents Yes Yes
S140 Income Statement Information Yes Yes
S141 Notes Checklist Yes Yes
S15 Deferred Income Plans Yes Yes
S16 Patronage Dividend Deduction Yes Yes
S17 Credit Union Deductions Yes Yes
S18 Federal and Provincial or Territorial Capital Gains Refund Yes Yes
S19 Non-Resident Shareholder Information Yes Yes
S1Auto Non-deductible automobile expenses Yes Yes
S2 Charitable Donations and Gifts Yes Yes
S20 Part XIV – Additional Tax on Non-Resident Corporations Yes Yes
S200 T2 Corporation Income Tax Return Yes Yes
S21 Federal and Provincial or Territorial Foreign Income Tax Credits and Federal Logging Tax Credit Yes Yes
S21P Provincial or territorial foreign tax credits Yes Yes
S22 Non-Resident Discretionary Trust Yes Yes
S23 Agreement Among Associated Canadian-Controlled Private Corporations to Allocate the Business Limit Yes Yes
S24 First Time Filer after Incorporation, Amalgamation or Winding-up of a Subsidiary into a Parent Yes Yes
S25 Investment in Foreign Affiliates Yes Yes
S27 Calculation of Canadian Manufacturing and Processing Profits Deduction Yes Yes
S28 Election not to be an Associated Corporation Yes Yes
S29 Payments to Non-Residents Yes Yes
S3 Dividends Received, Taxable Dividends Paid, and Part IV Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S301 Newfoundland and Labrador Research and Development Tax Credit Yes
S303 Newfoundland and Labrador Direct Equity Tax Credit Yes Yes
S305 Newfoundland and Labrador Capital Tax on Financial Institutions – Agreement Among Related Corporations Yes
S306 Newfoundland and Labrador Capital Tax on Financial Institutions Yes
S308 Newfoundland and Labrador Venture Capital Tax Credit Yes Yes
S31 Investment Tax Credit – Corporations Yes Yes
S31Supp Investment tax credit supplementary Yes Yes
S321 PEI Corporate Investment Tax Credit Yes Yes
S32Assist Provincial and territorial government assistance Yes
S33 Taxable Capital Employed in Canada – Large Corporation Yes
S34 Taxable Capital Employed in Canada – Financial Institutions Yes
S340 Nova Scotia Research and Development Tax Credit Yes
S341 Nova Scotia Corporate Tax Reduction for New Small Businesses Yes Yes
S35 Taxable Capital Employed in Canada – Large Insurance Corporations Yes
S35Tables Tables – Taxable capital employed in Canada (Large insurance corporations) Yes
S360 New Brunswick Research and Development Tax Credit Yes
S37 Calculation of Unused Surtax Credit Yes
S38 Part VI Tax on Capital of Financial Institutions Yes
S380 Manitoba Research and Development Tax Credit Yes
S381 Manitoba Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit Yes Yes
S384 Manitoba Co-op Education and Apprenticeship Tax Credit Yes Yes
S385 Manitoba Odour-Control Tax Credit Yes Yes
S388 Manitoba Film and Video Production Tax Credit Yes Yes
S38Tables Tables for part VI tax on capital of financial institutions Yes
S39 Agreement Among Related Financial Institutions – Part VI Tax Yes
S390 Manitoba Cooperative Development Tax Credit Yes Yes
S391 Manitoba Neighbourhoods Alive! Tax Credit Yes
S392 Manitoba Data Processing Centre Investment Tax Credit Yes Yes
S393 Manitoba Nutrient Management Tax Credit Yes Yes
S394 Manitoba Rental Housing Construction Tax Credit Yes Yes
S4 Corporation Loss Continuity and Application Yes Yes
S402 Saskatchewan Manufacturing and Processing Investment Tax Credit Yes Yes
S403 Saskatchewan Research and Development Tax Credit Yes
S404 Saskatchewan Manufacturing and Processing Profits Tax Reduction Yes Yes
S421 British Columbia Mining Exploration Tax Credit Yes Yes
T1196 British Columbia Film and Television Tax Credit Yes Yes
T1197 British Columbia Production Services Tax Credit Yes Yes
S425 (T666) British Columbia Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Credit Yes
S426 British Columbia Manufacturing and Processing Tax Credit Yes Yes
S428 British Columbia Training Tax Credit Yes Yes
S429 British Columbia Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit Yes Yes
S430 British Columbia Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry Tax Credit Yes Yes
S44 Non-Arm’s Length Transactions Yes Yes
S440 Yukon Manufacturing and Processing Profits Tax Credit Yes Yes
S442 Yukon Research and Development Tax Credit Yes
T1131 Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit Yes Yes
T1177 Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit Yes Yes
S49 Agreement Among Associated Canadian-Controlled Private Corporations to Allocate the Expenditure Limit Yes
S490 Nunavut Business Training Tax Credit Yes
S4Supp Loss continuity Yes Yes
S5 Tax Calculation Supplementary – Corporations Yes Yes
S50 Shareholder Information Yes Yes
S502 Ontario Tax Credit for Manufacturing and Processing Yes Yes
S504 Ontario Resource Tax Credit and Ontario Additional Tax re Crown Royalties Yes Yes
S506 Ontario Transitional Tax Debits and Credits Yes Yes
S507 Ontario Transitional Tax Debits and Credits Calculation Yes Yes
S508 Ontario Research and Development Tax Credit Yes
S510 Ontario Corporate Minimum Tax Yes Yes
S511 Ontario Corporate Minimum Tax – Total Assets and Revenue for Associated Corporations Yes Yes
S524 Ontario Specialty Types Yes Yes
S525 Ontario Political Contributions Tax Credit Yes Yes
S53 General Rate Income Pool (GRIP) Calculation Yes Yes
S53Supp Worksheet to calculate GRIP addition Yes Yes
S53Details Worksheet to track GRIP history Yes Yes
S54 Low Rate Income Pool (LRIP) Calculation Yes Yes
S546 Corporations Information Act Annual Return for Ontario Corporations Yes Yes
S547 Annual return for Ontario Corporations Yes Yes
S548 Corporations Information Act Annual Return for Foreign Business Corporations Yes Yes
S54Supp Worksheet for amalgamation and wind-up adjustments Yes Yes
S55 Part III.1 Tax on Excessive Eligible Dividend Designations Yes Yes
S550 Ontario Co-operative Education Tax Credit Yes Yes
S552 Ontario Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit Yes Yes
S554 Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects Tax Credit Yes Yes
S556 Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit Yes Yes
S558 Ontario Production Services Tax Credit Yes Yes
S560 Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit Yes Yes
S562 Ontario Sound Recording Tax Credit Yes Yes
S564 Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit Yes Yes
S566 Ontario Innovation Tax Credit Yes
S566Supp S566 Supplementary Yes
S568 Ontario Business-Research Institute Tax Credit Yes
S569 Ontario Business-Research Institute Tax Credit Contract Information Yes
S427 (S5BC) British Columbia Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S383(S5MB) Manitoba Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S366(S5NB) New Brunswick Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S307(S5NL) Newfoundland and Labrador Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S346(S5NS) Nova Scotia Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S461(S5NT) Northwest Territories Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S481(S5NU) Nunavut Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S322(S5PE) Prince Edward Island Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S411(S5SK) Saskatchewan Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S443(S5YT) Yukon Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S500 Ontario Corporation Tax Calculation Yes Yes
S6 Summary of Dispositions of Capital Property Yes Yes
S60 Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) – Project Info Yes
T1145 Agreement to Allocate Assistance for SR&ED Between Persons Not Dealing at Arm’s Length Yes
T1146 Agreement to Transfer Qualified Expenditures Incurred in Respect of SR&ED Contracts Between Persons Not Dealing at Arm’s Length Yes
S7 Aggregate Investment Income and Active Business Income Yes Yes
S71 Income Inclusion for Corporations That Are Members of Single-tier Partnerships Yes Yes
S72 Income Inclusion for Corporations That Are Members of Multi-tier Partnerships Yes Yes
S73 Income Inclusion Summary for Corporations that are Members of Partnerships Yes Yes
S7Rental Statement of rental income Yes Yes
S8 Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) Yes Yes
S8Class Details of CCA by class Yes Yes
S8Lease CCA for leases Yes Yes
S8Supp Reconciliation of NBV and UCC Yes Yes
S88 Internet Business Activities Yes Yes
S9 Related and Associated Corporations Yes Yes
S394 Manitoba Rental Housing Construction Tax Credit Yes Yes
S91 Information Concerning Claims for Treaty-Based Exemptions Yes Yes
S97 Additional Information On Non-Resident Corporations In Canada Yes Yes
SCT1 Saskatchewan Corporation Capital Tax Return Yes
SInstalments Saskatchewan tax instalments Yes
Summary Tax summary Yes Yes
T1044 Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Information Return Yes Yes
T106 Information Return of Non-Arm’s Length Transactions with Non-Residents Yes
T106Supp Non-arm’s length transactions with non-residents Yes
T1134 Information Return Relating To Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates Yes
T1135 Foreign Income Verification Statement Yes Yes
T1141 Information Return in Respect of Transfers or Loans to a Non-Resident Trust Yes Yes
T1141Supp Information Return in Respect of Transfers or Loans to a Non-Resident Trust Yes Yes
T1142 Information Return in Respect of Distributions from and Indebtedness to a Non-Resident Trust Yes Yes
T1142Supp Information Return in Respect of Distributions from and Indebtedness to a Non-Resident Trust Yes Yes
T1263 Third-Party Payments for Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Yes
T183 Information Return for Electronic Filing of an Individual’s Income Tax and Benefit Return Yes Yes
T2 Adjust T2 Adjustment worksheet Yes Yes
T2 Bar Code T2 Bar Code Yes
T2 Bar Code Warning T2 Bar Code Warning Yes
T2002 Election, or Revocation of an Election, Not to Be a Canadian-Controlled Private Corporation Yes Yes
T2054 Election for a Capital Dividend Under Subsection 83(2) Yes Yes
T2055 Election in respect of a Capital Gains Dividend Under Subsection 131(1) Yes Yes
T661 Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Expenditures Claim Yes
Tapes Tape summary Yes
TaxPaid Tax instalments paid Yes Yes
TP1086.R.23.12 Costs Incurred Respecting Work on an Immovable Yes
TP997.1 Information Return for Tax-Exempt Entities Yes
User1 User letter 1 Yes
User2 User letter 2 Yes
User3 User letter – Ontario Yes
User4 User letter – Québec Yes
User5 User letter – Alberta Yes
Variance Variance summary Yes
S367 New Brunswick Small Business Investor Tax Credit Yes Yes
S387 Manitoba Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit Yes Yes
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