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Level 3

Excessive login

I login on average about 10 times a day where I have to retrieve a secondary code.


Is there a way to have QBO remember the device for 15 days or something similar so I don't have to constantly do this? Thanks

4 Comments 4

Excessive login

Hi @rgoldman,


Welcome to the Community. I'm here to provide some clarification about the security feature in QuickBooks.


Two-step verification is an extra layer of security every time you access your account. It allows you to confirm that you’re the one signing in to your account using the password and a unique code.


Currently, the option to change the duration of the security setting is unavailable. For now, the only workaround is to disable the feature directly from your Intuit account.


Here's how:


  1. Sign in to your Intuit account.
  2. From the left menu, select Sign In & Security
  3. In the Two-step verification section, make sure it shows as Turn on next to Two-step verification (meaning it's disabled). 
  4. Enter the code, then select Continue.


I know how beneficial having a setting specifically for this feature. We continue to improve the features in the product, and this preference might be included in the future. While we assess this, I suggest you visit our QuickBooks Blog to stay updated with all the changes that are being made.


You can also check this article for more details about how to sign in to your QuickBooks Online account using Google credentials: Sign in to QuickBooks Online with Google.


Drop me a comment below if you need further help with your QuickBooks account. I'll be happy to help you some more.

Level 3

Excessive login

I already have that turned on. It just asks me every 3 hours, I would like it to "remember a device" so it doesn't ask me constantly a dozen times a day.


Excessive login

Thanks for posting here again, @rgoldman,


Allow me to add some clarification to the verification process you're seeing in QuickBooks Online (QBO).


The verification page every time you login to QuickBooks is currently a default page for every QBO account. Some accounts who haven't turned on the two-way verification security have the option to skip this step, see this:


For accounts with the Two-Step Authentication enabled, you can disable it using the steps below:


  1. Log in to the Intuit Online Account management portal.
  2. Navigate to the Security tab. Click Turn Off to expand the Two-step verification section.
  3. Select Turn Off.
  4. Enter the one-time pass code you received and select Continue.


These instructions are also available from our guide on disabling two-step authentication


Our Team wants to make sure all our customer's account is safeguarded from possible account threats. Our products and tools developers are going through the wide range of feedback, and trying to navigate a path forward with accessibility leading. We wanted to be very purposeful and thorough with the account updates in the program.


Don't worry, if there are new updates with our login process, it will be communicated to you. You can also check out these links to be updated with the recent and upcoming changes for our QuickBooks products:



Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be right here to help you with any QuickBooks questions.

Level 3

Excessive login

Yes I understand that.


I have to put the secondary/multi factor code in at each login (session times out after 3 hours), and I use multiple devices. I would rather not disable the multi factor authentication for security purposes.


But as I said, it asks for the code every single time from all of my devices, with no option to remember my workstation or laptop, so I'm constantly entering the secondary code 5-10 times a day which is a big hassle just to enter or print an invoice for example.


A lot of services offer to remember your device for a while so you don't have to constantly enter the code.

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