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I have multiple credit card users for one credit card account, but Quickbooks only pulls in the charges from the primary card. How do I pull in the other charges?

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QuickBooks Team

I have multiple credit card users for one credit card account, but Quickbooks only pulls in the charges from the primary card. How do I pull in the other charges?

Hello there, @danielle32.


We can set up a credit card account with multiple cards associated with it by creating a parent account. Then add each card as a sub-account. This helps you view the other charges from the account.


Here's how:

  1. From the Gear icon, select Chart of Accounts.
  2. Select New
  3. Choose the account type and detail type.
  4. Place a checkmark in the box beside Is sub-account and then choose the parent account on the drop-down menu.
  5. Give your new subaccount a name.
  6.  On the Balance field, you can enter an opening balance for the account. 
  7. Select Save and Close.


I've attached a screenshot for your reference:



Once you're done setting up all the accounts, you can start connecting the credit card account. If the transactions are downloaded to one account, connect the parent account. Otherwise, connect the sub-accounts.


You may also want to consider using account numbers in your Chart of Accounts. This way, you can keep your accounts organized.


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