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Level 2

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Seems like this should be simple - but I've spent HOURS on it. Most of our donors are Rotary club members - and a handful are reimbursed for expenses related to fundraising. So, I want one column with Donor name, one with the account credited with their donation, and I do NOT want "net revenue" which, in the current "Revenue by Donor Summary Report" (which is not editable in any useful way) gives me a list of of contributions BY donor, less any reimbursed expenses. Also, since our fiscal year is July 1-June 30, but for donor tax letters I need to look at Jan 1 - Dec 31, I would like to include the timing and purpose of each donation - because several donors have given multiple times in the same calendar year.
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Community Champion

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

I'm not great with Charity books, but you've raised a flag in your question with " with the account credited..."  Are you using one QB File for multiple Charities?  I would think all "Donations" would be in one Account.  You would then run a report 01/01 to 12/31 on that account.


Is there some reason I'm not understanding why one Charity has multiple Donation (kind of like Income) Account?  I guess if you had different Events and you wanted to track it that way you could have Sub Accounts under the one Acct where the Donations filter into.  You could still run a report from the Parent Acct.


Ultimately to get the list you're looking for, you may need to Export the Report to Excel so you can sort it.  QBs is not the most flexible with sorting reports.  Easier to Export and just delete the columns you don't want and then Sort the primary column.

Level 2

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Thank you - I struggle a bit with the "Account List" - yes, there is only one charity - and in our "Chart of Accounts" we have multiple sub-accounts (e.g. Fundraising Income, with subs for the different events and types of contributions). The report I have found most useful - and most customizable - is the "Statement of Activity" report, because I can filter by "Distribution Account". This lets me see who gave what - for example for an event we have Sponsors, Underwriters, and some Donations (including some "restricted donations"). Throughout the year, we might have "Member Contributions". I can scroll through the list of "Distribution Accounts" and check the boxes by the categories I want to include and deselect anything I want to omit. BUT, that report is almost too detailed and I've created a few dozen variations and can't quite organize it the way I want - and in my many attempts, have different totals, which is perplexing. 


When I run the "Revenue by Donor Summary", the report is 90% of what I need...but for reasons I don't understand, I don't have access to the "Distribution Account" list - I only have "Active/All/Non-Zero" and filter by Donor.... (and when I click on a donor link, I can see the detail I want - but I can't figure out any way to add some of that info into the front end of the report.


So, I've spent hours and hours and hours trying to build my own "Revenue by Donor - Statement of Activity Detail" because I want the best of both in one. It doesn't seem like it should be this hard! 


Is there a way for me to ADD the ability to filter by Distribution Account to "Revenue by Donor"???

QuickBooks Team

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Thanks for coming back with more detailed information about your concern, @ristin-coursede


At the moment, the option to include the distribution account by the donor is unavailable. You'll want to run the Account List report and customize it, then export it to Excel. 


For additional reference check out this article to learn more about exporting reports to Excel


Visit and post again if you have additional concerns. I'm always around here to listen and guide you more. 


Level 2

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Thanks. I finally solved my problem with Excel - running two reports, the QB Standard Report, "Revenue by Donor" and my own custom report, based on "Activity Transaction Detail". I exported both to Excel, used pivot tables, identified the discrepancies, figured out where different donations from the same donor had been booked slightly differently (treasurer changes every year or two and we're all volunteers, not accountants). Adjusted where needed and FINALLY got a reliable list of 2021 donations! UGH. An enormous amount of work for a fairly straightforward need. For those of us who are competent enough to customize QB and use these reports, it would be nice to have access to a tool that allowed us to report easily on the data. I'm always dumbfounded by database systems that are designed to CAPTURE information but make it painful to report on it.

Level 2

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Thanks. I finally solved my problem with Excel - running two reports, the QB Standard Report, "Revenue by Donor" and my own custom report, based on "Activity Transaction Detail". I exported both to Excel, used pivot tables, identified the discrepancies, figured out where different donations from the same donor had been booked slightly differently (treasurer changes every year or two and we're all volunteers, not accountants). Adjusted where needed and FINALLY got a reliable list of 2021 donations! UGH. An enormous amount of work for a fairly straightforward need. For those of us who are competent enough to customize QB and use these reports, it would be nice to have access to a tool that allowed us to report easily on the data. I'm always dumbfounded by database systems that are designed to CAPTURE information but make it painful to report on it.

Level 2

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Thanks. I finally solved my problem with Excel - running two reports, the QB Standard Report, "Revenue by Donor" and my own custom report, based on "Activity Transaction Detail". I exported both to Excel, used pivot tables, identified the discrepancies, figured out where different donations from the same donor had been booked slightly differently (treasurer changes every year or two and we're all volunteers, not accountants). Adjusted where needed and FINALLY got a reliable list of 2021 donations! UGH. An enormous amount of work for a fairly straightforward need. For those of us who are competent enough to customize QB and use these reports, it would be nice to have access to a tool that allowed us to report easily on the data. I'm always dumbfounded by database systems that are designed to CAPTURE information but make it painful to report on it.

Level 2

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Thanks. I finally solved my problem with Excel - running two reports, the QB Standard Report, "Revenue by Donor" and my own custom report, based on "Activity Transaction Detail". I exported both to Excel, used pivot tables, identified the discrepancies, figured out where different donations from the same donor had been booked slightly differently (treasurer changes every year or two and we're all volunteers, not accountants). Adjusted where needed and FINALLY got a reliable list of 2021 donations! UGH. An enormous amount of work for a fairly straightforward need. For those of us who are competent enough to customize QB and use these reports, it would be nice to have access to a tool that allowed us to report easily on the data. I'm always dumbfounded by database systems that are designed to CAPTURE information but make it painful to report on it.

Tori B
QuickBooks Team

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Hi there, @kristin-coursede


Thanks for letting us know that you were able to get this resolved. 


It's customers like you that share your experiences that make having the Community so resourceful for all of our users that may come across the same issue. I definitely agree with you. Having a tool that allowed you to report easily on the data would certainly come in handy. I've gone ahead and personally submitted this suggestion to our Product Development Team. This way, the feedback can be taken into consideration for a future update. 


Please let don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I'm always here for you. Take care! 

Community Champion

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

Excellent !!


Glad it all worked out for you.

Community Champion

How can I get a report of listing donors and their contributions for last calendar year, filtered by account so I can exclude irrelevant info?

When you're ready to create those donor letters (and actually also it can help you clean up your data by looking at the results of those statements printing), use our BRC Donor Statements - QB Online tool. It will automatically/automagically compile your QB Online data, first sent to Excel as reports, into donor statements that are ready to print and mail.

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