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Level 2

How to import bank transactions using excel.

Apparently, NO ONE from Intuit can read!!!!!!!!!!!!


We NEEEEEEEDDDDD to be able to CONVERT csv files INTO QBO format.....SO.....the web connect will work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This cannot be that difficult.   We just need the exact format web connect is expecting.  Then, we can format csv files in that format, and save them as xyz.QBO.   THEN web connect will work.



Level 11

How to import bank transactions using excel.


You can use csv2qbo converter tool as a workaround. It's $60 one time license.


Level 2

How to import bank transactions using excel.



And, that will work for ....... BANKING ..... transactions?

Level 11

How to import bank transactions using excel.



Level 2

How to import bank transactions using excel. is $24.95 a month now.... 

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

How to import bank transactions using excel.


Did you check csv2qbo converter tool as mentioned before?


Check the one time license for the converter tool



Level 1

How to import bank transactions using excel.

Please suggest the page have intuitive search engines added OR better descriptive lines to eliminate the tedious click >read>click>read to locate the application you are looking for ie: excel to quickbooks desktop should bring up only programs that provide that transaction. the current search engine provides any program that uses Excel for time tracking, etc. 

Level 11

How to import bank transactions using excel.


Check the following options. Both are one time license tools.


Level 2

How to import bank transactions using excel.

Intuit/Quickbooks dont want to help you, duh. In May my Desktop "Pro" 2020 stopped being supported, so now I am unable to import any transactions from anywhere. Intuit basically crippled the software I paid for, because i wouldn't "upgrade" to Online, and also wont pay to "upgrade" to 2021 to get 1 more years worth of being able to import.

This will be the last version of Quickbooks I will use, after decades. I wont be forced into an online only software that is subscription only, and I can only have 1 set of books per subscription. 

Control freaks abound, the greed is finding its way into every nook and cranny of our lives, sucking the life out.

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

How to import bank transactions using excel.


You can use the importer tool as mentioned earlier to work with QBD 2020. It's a one time license


If you are working solo or no need the payroll feature, contact me in private. You can use a newer QB Desktop version with a non-subscription license to run the bank feeds feature.

Level 2

How to import bank transactions using excel.

Has anyone tried the moneythumb CSV to QBO software or something similar. Did it work for you? How do you like it? I'm needing to export a QB desktop, CSV, bank register file over to QBO. The default method for QBO doesn't map out all of the fields (columns). Effectively I'm left with missing bank register info after import the CSV file.

Level 2

How to import bank transactions using excel.

Has anyone tried this before. What was your experience?

Level 1

How to import bank transactions using excel.

Obviously, Intuit, or programmers at QuickBooks Desk top do not want to add Excel download convertor option to QB Desktop. This is an old policy they have elected and I cannot tell the reason. It is sad because many people use QB Desktop for years and Intuit admin wants to get rid of it for money reasons. The cost of QB Desk top has increased three-fold I n2024 but there is no significant function in crease.

We do property management. All data from any of our management softwares are in Excel. To use a third-party convertor adds lays of inconsistencies and error and needs to be manually rechecked, and that is not acceptable in 2024 and age of AI.

I wish Intuit admins and head of programming accept the needs of community and accountants and business people

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