Prepare the Checks data with the following template
Bank Account | Payee | Transaction Date | RefNumber | Memo | Address Line1 | Address Line2 | Address Line3 | Address Line4 | Address City | Address State | Address PostalCode | Address Country | Vendor Acct No | Expenses Account | Expenses Amount | Expenses Memo | Expenses Class | Expenses Customer | Expenses Billable | Items Item | Items Qty | Items Description | Items Cost | Items Class | Items Customer | Unit of Measure | Items Billable | Currency | Exchange Rate |
Checking | Sunoco | 01/10/2020 | 100 | Monthly Gas | Sunoco | 1 Main Street | | | Newtown | NJ | 12345 | USA | | Fuel | 25 | John's Car | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Checking | Sunoco | 01/10/2020 | 100 | Monthly Gas | Sunoco | 1 Main Street | | | Newtown | NJ | 12345 | USA | | Fuel | 50 | Karen's Car | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Checking | Michael's Fine Cabinetry | 30/09/2020 | 101 | | Unitel | 12 Smith Ave | | | Anywhere | NH | 22222 | USA | | | | | | | | Cabinets | 10 | Cabinets | 150 | | Baker, Chris:Family Room | | Y | | |
then use one of these importer tools