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Level 3

Hi I cannot find this bank co connect to our quickbooks account

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QuickBooks Team

Hi I cannot find this bank co connect to our quickbooks account

Hi there, @ABHandshake


I can share the possible reasons you can't find your bank account to connect in QuickBooks Online (QBO) and the steps to resolve this.


Sometimes a financial institution will have multiple bank names or might have different types of accounts but only choose to release one website for connection to QBO. One solution is to try other versions of your financial institution that are listed:


  1. Go to Transactions, then select Bank transactions.
  2. Select Link account.
  3. Enter the name of your financial institution and select one from the list when it appears.
  4. Select the link to go to your bank's website. This will open a new browser window.
  5. Make sure you can access your account through this site. See if you can view your account summary, account history, and account details without any errors.
  6. If you can access everything, sign out of the financial institution's website.
  7. Go back and continue to add the account in QuickBooks Online.


If you still can't find your bank to connect with QBO, it could be because your bank doesn't support all types of accounts, such as personal accounts versus business accounts, or because it is not a participating financial institution. For this, you'll have to request support from your bank. Here's how: 


  1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 from above.
  2. Search for the name of your financial institution. 
  3. Select Still can't find your provider.
  4. Enter the Account provider name and Account provider sign-in URL.
  5. Hit Request.


Once you connect your bank account to QBO, the software automatically downloads transactions every night. You can also set up bank rules to categorize them automatically. You can refer to this article as a guide: Set up bank rules to categorize online banking transactions in QuickBooks Online


We'll be here in the Community if you have updates on finding and connecting your bank account to QBO. We're committed to offering ongoing support. Take care.

Level 11

Hi I cannot find this bank co connect to our quickbooks account

If your bank is not supported, you can use MT Online or one of the converter tools (e.g csv2qbo @ $60 one time license) as a workaround.


Level 3

Hi I cannot find this bank co connect to our quickbooks account



I followed the steps recommended in this post up to the point when I hit request (I requested this url I have done this already twice during Jan 24, but I have not noticed any change in QBO when I try to link our accounts we have with . 

And a pdf converter to the QBO format is not suitable for us, as we can use Excel bank statements, but we would like to have our accounts connected and to get them updated automatically. 

Is my understanding correct that once I requested to be added into the QBO bank connection list, the request will be received by this bank?


Will it help if we contact our bank and if so, what exactly we need to ask?


Thank you

QuickBooks Team

Hi I cannot find this bank co connect to our quickbooks account

Hi again, @ABHandshake. Thanks for getting back. 


Since you've sent the request for to be added to the QuickBooks Online (QBO) bank connection list, our Product Development team are the ones who will coordinate with your bank to add it to the list. 


Yes, it will certainly help if you contact your bank. You can request or ask your financial institution if they can integrate into QBO. 


Since you're using Excel for the bank statements, you can consider saving the Excel file to CSV format and manually uploading it to QBO as a workaround. Uploading transactions to the software isn't limited to QBO format. To ensure transaction data appear correctly when you upload, please refer to this article for the proper Excel data formatting: Format CSV files in Excel to get bank transactions into QuickBooks.


While the bank name isn't available in the list as of now, here's how you can manually upload transactions to an account not connected to online banking:


  1. Create a new bank account
  2. Go to Transactions, then Bank transactions.
  3. Select Upload transactions.
  4. Select Drag and drop or select files and select the file you downloaded from your bank. Then select Continue.
  5. In the QuickBooks account ▼ dropdown, select the account you want to upload the transactions into. Then select Continue.
  6. Follow the onscreen steps to match the columns on the file with the correct fields in QuickBooks. Then select Continue.
  7. Select the transactions you would like to import. Then select Continue.
  8. Select Yes.
  9. When you accept your transactions, select Done.


Once done, you can match and categorize your uploaded transactions.


As always, we're here to lend a hand if you have follow-up questions on requesting support from your bank to be added to the list in QBO. We'll do our best to assist. Take care. 

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