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Level 1

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

I'm working with Quickbooks Desktop.  Here is my problem.  I uncleared a credit card charge for the previous reconciliation by mistake and then when I tried to correct I made it worse. My boss needed the check for the current payment ASAP so when QuickBooks informed me that it was not in balance I just clicked "do it anyway". Now it appears that when I go into "reconcile" on my desktop I have 2 credit card statements in there to click on and reconcile.   Can you please help me.  I can see the check amounts on the right and the charges on the left.  WHAT DO I DO.  I need to fix this and put everything back to the way it was.  Thank you, Betty

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QuickBooks Team

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

I've got your back, @BettyJo1. I'm here to help you put everything back to the way it was.


When reconciling, we start with the opening balance. We'll have to make sure the beginning balance matches the balance from your last reconciliation. To get this number, we can run the Previous Reconciliation report. From here, we can review all the cleared transactions, including the credit card charge that you've uncleared.


Here's how:

  1. Go to the Reports menu, then select Reports Center.
  2. Search and open the Previous Reconciliation report.
  3. Select the account you reconciled, then either DetailSummary, or Both.
  4. Select Transactions cleared, plus any changes made to those transactions since the reconciliation.
  5. Select Display.


Take note of the ending balance. This should match your beginning balance when you start reconciling again. Under New Transactions, you'll see all the changes you've made since the reconciliation. I'd suggest clearing them manually from the account register.

  1. Go to the Lists menu and select Chart of Accounts.
  2. Look for the credit card account that needs fixing.
  3. Locate the uncleared transactions.
  4. Clear them by putting a checkmark.
  5. Once done, click Record.
  6. Click Yes to confirm.


After that, go back to your Previous Reconciliation report. Ensure that there are no more entries under New Transactions.


Once done, proceed to reconcile the next statement until the difference between your bank statement and QuickBooks should be $0.00.


I'm also adding these articles to learn more about reconciling an account and how to fix the beginning and ending balance issues:


I'd appreciate it if you can update me on your result or if you have any questions. I'm always here to help you.

Level 1

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

Hi Marie,

I will return to work on Tuesday and put all the information you supplied me to work and when I'm done I will let you know how it worked.  Thank you so much for answering my request for help.  My boss is very picky and I don't want to let him down.  Betty

Level 1

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

I did everything you told me to do and marked off all the unchecked items through the chart of accounts and corrected all of them.  Now when I go to "reconciliation" I see them all there and checked off with a balance 0.00.   When I hit Reconciliation, the next prompt it says I have a outstanding balance on this account "do I want to write a check".  I Already wrote a check for this amount and I don't know what to do.  In the account payable area it shows that it is still not paid.  Maybe I wrote the check and then marked it pay later???? In all my other payments under this account it does not indicate "BILL-PYMT CHECK" it just says CHECK.  What do I need to do now. How do I remove the Account Payable bill, which I believe is a duplicate??? I so appreciate your help. 

Thank you for your help, Betty 

Level 1

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

I did everything you told me to do and marked off all the unchecked items through the chart of accounts and corrected all of them.  Now when I go to "reconciliation" I see them all there and checked off with a balance 0.00.   When I hit Reconciliation, the next prompt it says I have a outstanding balance on this account "do I want to write a check".  I Already wrote a check for this amount and I don't know what to do.  In the account payable area it shows that it is still not paid.  Maybe I wrote the check and then marked it pay later???? In all my other payments under this account it does not indicate "BILL-PYMT CHECK" it just says CHECK.  What do I need to do now. How do I remove the Account Payable bill, which I believe is a duplicate??? I so appreciate your help. 

Thank you for your help, Betty 

Level 1

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

I did everything you told me to do and marked off all the unchecked items through the chart of accounts and corrected all of them.  Now when I go to reconciliation I see them all there.  Three payments on the right and the list of transactions on the left.  If I go to clear them it is still not correct.  I has to do with one payment.  When I was trying to fix I went into the checking account and this check for $4280.45 showed not cleared and I checked it off.  Maybe I shouldn't have done that because a credit card payment clears in another way.  now I have a negative balance if I run a Accounts Payable report.  Should I go back to the checkbook and


Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

Hi there, BettyJo1.


I appreciate you for sharing such detailed information about your concern.


A negative balance in the Accounts Payable indicates that there is an outstanding bill. This can often be fixed by paying the bill using the negative amount to zero out the balance. 

  1. Go to the Vendors menu, then select Pay Bills.
  2. Select the correct accounts payable account from the dropdown.
  3. Click the checkboxes of the bills you want to pay from the table.
  4. Enter the date you paid the bill. and select the payment method.
  5. Select Pay Selected Bills.
  6. Click Done.

Learn more about paying bills by visiting this article: Pay bills in QuickBooks Desktop.


However, I'd still recommend consulting an accounting professional on other ways to fix this. They can share expert advice on how to deal with this situation to make sure everything is accurate.


You might want to review this article as your guide in fixing reconciliation issues: Fix issues when you're reconciling in QuickBooks Desktop.


Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have additional reconciliation concerns. I'm right here to help you. Take care.

Level 1

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

If I go to the Vendors menu on the home screen and click on Pay Bills nothing comes up for me to select.  In the Vendors list (on the left side of the screen with all the vendors) I can still see the amount to pay to this Credit Card vendor with an unpaid balance. Is there another way for me to correct this?  The check I wrote out for this payment shows paid in the checkbook and cleared but I still have this unpaid bill in the vendor name.  All the other checks I have written out for this credit card do not say "Bill-Pmt Check"  it just says Check.  I think I must have clicked something to duplicate this bill.  I still need help.  Thank you so much. Betty  

QuickBooks Team

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

Thanks for actively responding, @BettyJo1. I'm here to help you figure out why you're unable to see the bills to pay.


Let's do the following: 


  • Check if you still have to enter the bill in QuickBooks.
  • Be sure to select Show all bills on the Pay Bills window, then scroll up or down to find your bill.
  • Narrow down the bill you’re looking for when you select Due on or before, then specify the date on the Show bills section.
  • If you have multiple accounts payable, check if the bill is in a different account.
  • Check if you already paid the bill. You can run the Transaction List by Vendor report.
    1. Go to the Reports menu.
    2. Select Vendors & Payables, then Transaction List by Vendor.
    3. Select Customize Report, then Billing Status from the Column section.
    4. Select OK.


If nothing comes up still, we can run the Verify and Rebuild Data tool. to identify any data issues within your company file. 


For future reference, use the Account Payable Workflow to help you learn about paying your bills in QuickBooks. 


Get back here at any time if you have additional concerns. We're always around here to attend to your needs. 



Level 1

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

When I go to Show All Bills there is nothing there.  Our company is more of a cash not accrual system.  When a bill comes in I enter and pay.  If I look at the vendor I can see the bill being paid and when I click on it, it has cleared the bank.

Would it be OK if I just went in and deleted the May credit card bill with 11 entries and cleared check payment and then deleted the April credit bill with 19 entries and cleared check payment and reconciled the both months over again, using the exact information (dates etc.).

Here is what I see on the Reconciliation when I open

as 5/20

Ending Balance $6,393.77  (This is my 5/14/2021 reconciliation)

Cleared Balance $4,280.45 (This is my 4/12/2021 reconciliation)

Difference  -2,113,32

The additional $4,280.45 is the problem

If I can delete and do again please let me know if that would work and what to watch for

Thank you, Betty  


Level 1

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

When I go to Show All Bills there is nothing there.  Our company is more of a cash not accrual system.  When a bill comes in I enter and pay.  If I look at the vendor I can see the bill being paid and when I click on it, it has cleared the bank.

Would it be OK if I just went in and deleted the May credit card bill with 11 entries and cleared check payment and then deleted the April credit bill with 19 entries and cleared check payment and reconciled the both months over again, using the exact information (dates etc.).

Here is what I see on the Reconciliation when I open

as 5/20

Ending Balance $6,393.77  (This is my 5/14/2021 reconciliation)

Cleared Balance $4,280.45 (This is my 4/12/2021 reconciliation)

Difference  -2,113,32

The additional $4,280.45 is the problem

If I can delete and do again please let me know if that would work and what to watch for

Thank you, Betty  


QuickBooks Team

Need to fix a credit card reconciliation

We want to keep your books accurate, Betty.


Before you delete transactions, I'd recommend reaching out to an accountant so they can help you check the credit card transaction to be deleted. Just ensure that you match the credit card statement to the transactions posted in your company file. 


Feel free to use this article that will help you fix issues when you're reconciling in QuickBooks Desktop.


Always know we are here to guide you with any questions you have with QuickBooks. Take care!

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