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Level 2

Reconciling Bank with QB

Good afternoon everone,


I just started bring our bank statement into QB.  I have an "ACTION" line with a lot of Add's which I get if that item has not been intered into QB before.  But what I can't seem to fiqured out is how  to match those "Add" with already entered items in QB that don't show up as "Match".   I am fixing the "Description, Payee and Category" but they still will not matach.   I'm sure I am missing something along the way but if someone can help I would appreciate it greatly?  

3 Comments 3

Reconciling Bank with QB

Good afternoon to you as well, bcookmanteo-gmai.


I'd be glad to offer assistance and lay down some details to make sure your bank transactions match with the records in QuickBooks. 


Aside from fixing the Description, Payee or Category details, you'll also want to make sure that the dates and the amounts on your QuickBooks transactions match with your bank statement. 


You'll want to review your QuickBooks entries and adjust the dates or the amounts accordingly. 


Also, make sure you've added those transactions under the correct bank account in QuickBooks. This might also be the reason why QuickBooks didn't detect any matches with your records. 


If you've added the transactions under a different bank account, there are two things you can do. 


You can disconnect the connected bank and reconnect it again under the correct bank account in QuickBooks. Here's how to do it: 


  1. On the Banking page, click the pencil icon on the bank account widget. 
  2. Click the Edit account info button.
  3. Check the Disconnect this account on save box.
  4. Proceed with Save and Close




If you've manually added those transactions using an Excel file, you'll want to exclude those transactions under the For review page. Then, add them again under the correct bank account. 


To exclude the transactions, check the box column on the leftmost part (not the individual transactions) and select Exclude





One last thing to check is to make sure that the Enable suggested categorization setting is turned on.


Simply click the small gear icon (right above the ACTION column), then check Enable suggested categorization




Check the Banking page again, then review the transactions and match them with your records in QuickBooks


After categorizing or matching your transactions, you can start reconciling your bank account in QuickBooks. This article will guide you through the process if you need help: Reconcile an account in QuickBooks Online.


If you'd like to take care of other transactions or any records in QuickBooks, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand again. Just reply here and I'll see what I can do for you. 

Level 2

Reconciling Bank with QB

Thank you so much, such a big help this has been.  I am a relatively knew QB user on the accounting side and just started pulling in the banking statement.  I have figured out the "Matching" pretty well but the issue was I was left with all these "Add's" and the transactions are in QB but yet I could not get them to match up with the pulled in bank statement.  So if I have this right I need to "Exclude" those transactions? Because, they are in QB correctly, and on the bank statement as well.


Thanks again!

Burnley Cook

Office Manager

Scarborough Square

Ronoake Island

Candice C
QuickBooks Team

Reconciling Bank with QB

Hey there, @bcookmanteo-gmai


Thanks for reaching back out to the Community. 


If you'd like some more clarification and explanation on this matter, then I recommend contacting our Customer Support Team. They'll be able to use a screen share tool to walk you through some additional things and explain at the same time. Here's how: 


  1. Go to the Help icon in the top right-hand corner. 
  2. Press the Contact Us button. 
  3. Enter your question/issue and hit Let's talk
  4. Scroll down and select to get a callback


It's that easy. 


Let me know how it goes. Just tap the Reply button if need be. Hope you have a great day! 

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