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Level 1

Short Term Family Loan

I have just started my business. I had a job that required over $8000 in materials. My Dad let me use his personal credit card to buy the materials as long as I paid him back as soon as I received payment from  the customer. I wrote him a check for the full amount from my business checking account.

How do enter these transactions in QuickBooks Online?

2 Comments 2
Level 15

Short Term Family Loan

Create Dad's credit card as an account

use that account to charge what you need

pay the CC account amount to Dad

Level 1

Short Term Family Loan

It sounds like this was a very short-term loan, less than a month, and I assume you are on a cash basis and you are not going to be using your dad's card on a regular basis.


You can create a Dad liability account but if this is a one-time use, you are just adding more data in QBO than required.  If you are a construction-type business, you will have lots of data and eventually, QBO will slow down on you with all the calculations in the background.


The steps I would follow:


1. Get your dad to give you a copy of the credit card statement with all his personal transactions blacked out.

2. Summarize the transactions on the credit card into the different categories.   For example, if you spend $35 at Home Depot and $65 at Walmart for job supplies, put $100 as the total for job supplies.  Do this for each category.

3. Go to QBO and enter a bill to your dad with the breakdown you calculated above.

4. Match the check payment to that bill.


Hope this helps.



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