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Level 3

Were you asked to pay to resolve your issue?

I have a problem with transactions not updating from my Bank of America account.  Quickbooks has acknowledged that this is a problem with Bank of America accounts more broadly and "attached my account" to the case being worked on by a Product Egngineer.  A "proadvisor" asked me to call in a special number to get help.


Guess what - this special number told me that there is a fix, but it hasn't been rolled out to the product yet, and in order for me to get it, I have to pay between $2600 and 4000 for it.  I'm in shock - I pay for the proudct, it's not workiing and is a product issue admitted to by their own customer service team, and now I need to pay this insane amount for a fix?


Has anyone else experienced this?  I'm pretty sure this qualifies as deceptive business practices.

3 Comments 3
QuickBooks Team

Were you asked to pay to resolve your issue?

I hear your sentiments, @mpkmosaic.


I see that you've posted a similar query and my colleague already posted a response.


If you haven't read it yet, you can check it out through this link:


Furthermore, I'm adding these links that can guide you in seamlessly managing your accounts and transactions:



I'll be around whenever you have other follow-up questions. Please feel free to tag me in your reply and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Take care!

Fiat Lux - ASIA
Level 15

Were you asked to pay to resolve your issue?

@mpkmosaic wrote:

A "proadvisor" asked me to call in a special number to get help.



Did she/he send a private message to you? What is their username in the community? What the "special number" did they ask to call? I believe it was a fraud attempt. 

Level 3

Were you asked to pay to resolve your issue?


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