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Disconnect accounts connected to online banking in QuickBooks Online

by Intuit352 Updated 2 weeks ago

Learn how to delete or disconnect a bank or credit card account from QuickBooks Online.

When you connect an account to online banking, QuickBooks automatically downloads your recent transactions. If you decide you don't need to use that account anymore, you can either disconnect the account or make it inactive.

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Understanding the difference between disconnecting and making an account inactive

There's a big difference between disconnecting an account from online banking and deleting one from your chart of accounts.

We recommend disconnecting accounts that are connected to online banking instead of deactivating them. This simply stops QuickBooks from downloading new transactions. If you disconnect an account from online banking, your existing accounting data won't change. You can reconnect it anytime to start downloading transactions again.

If you have an account that's not connected to a bank or credit card and you don’t need it anymore, learn how to make an account inactive.

Disconnect an account connected to online banking

When you disconnect, you’ll no longer see transactions that still need to be categorized in the For review tab. If the transactions are older than 90 days, you won’t be able to download them from the bank when you reconnect. In this case, you can still manually upload old transactions.

Important: If you see a bank connection error, don't disconnect the account until you fix the online banking errors. If you disconnect it with errors, it might download duplicate transactions when you reconnect it.

If the issue persists, sign in to QuickBooks using an incognito or private browser, or try other browser troubleshooting options.

Here’s how to disconnect an account from online banking:

  1. Go to Transactions, then Bank transactions (Take me there).
  2. Select the tile for the bank account.
  3. Select the pencil Image of the edit icon. icon, then select Edit account info.
  4. Select the Disconnect this account on save checkbox.
    Note: If QuickBooks is downloading new transactions, you won't see this option. Wait a few minutes for the update to finish and try again.
  5. Select Save and Close.

In QuickBooks Solopreneur

  1. Go to Transactions, then Bank transactions (Take me there).
  2. Select the New transactions A computer keyboard with a picture of a person on it. dropdown, then Manage connections.
  3. For the bank account you want to disconnect, select the Vertical ellipses icon. icon and choose the Unlink option.
  4. Select Unlink now to confirm.

You can reconnect the account to start downloading transactions again.

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