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How do I export my chart of accounts to Excel from QB Online?

There has to be an easy way to export my Chart of Accounts from QB Online to Excel?

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How do I export my chart of accounts to Excel from QB Online?

Welcometo the Community, tbunce.


You can export accounts data from your Chart of accounts while viewing a particular account's report page.


Here's how:

  1. In the left navigation bar, go to Transactions, then Chart of accounts.
  2. Find an account you want to export, then use its Drop-Down Arrow (▼) icon.
  3. Choose Run report.
  4. Click Export/Print.
  5. Select Export to Excel, Export as CSV, or Print/Save as PDF.


I've also included a detailed resource about working with your Chart of accounts which may come in handy moving forward: Learn about the Chart of accounts


Please don't hesitate to send a reply if there's any additional questions. Have a wonderful Monday!

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