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Level 2

Quicbook Error code -6189 unable to login

Dear team,


I am using Quick-books Enterprise Accountant Edition suddenly electric failure and my server restart after that i am unable to access my qb file having serious error -6189 Pls help me i dont have backup file from last week.

Please suggest best Solution i already used quickBook Tool Hub App but nothing is useful





Razee Khan

2 Comments 2
Deity Alpha
Level 2

Quicbook Error code -6189 unable to login

You can try to chat Support and ask Data Service team to fix your file.


If you need a fast recovery, you should consider purchasing a 3rd party file repair service.


Quicbook Error code -6189 unable to login

Thank you for chiming in, Deity. Your recommendations are correct! 


Let us know if you have any other questions, Rukhan. As you can see, the Community and I have your back! See you around. 

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