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Level 2

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Hi @Giovann_G , I already have sent this as feedback/enhancement, sometime ago. I never receive any communication when I do provide feedback (other than the immediate in-app "thank you for your feedback, blah blah blah...), so I never know if it was truly received and was being seriously reviewed and added to the enhancement list, or if it just disappeared in the ether with no one seeing it. Given we are going on 2 years (at least with respect to this thread), I'd at least have to conclude if they did receive the feedback, that it doesn't appear to be a priority for the development team. Though again, I don't even know if it is on their radar. Perhaps an accessible "Enhancement List" where we can up-vote or down-vote enhancements would help prioritize things for the development team?

QuickBooks Team

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Thanks for submitting a feedback, @slbooks.


I understand how you wanted the feature to get added to QuickBooks Online (QBO).


We regularly take your suggestions into account while updating our products. In this, you can track the progress of your feature request in our Feedback forum. The more requests we get for it, the more likely we'll include it in future updates.


You can visit the QuickBooks Blog site, from time to time to see new updates. From there, you can see the future developments and the latest news about QuickBooks and what our Product Care Team is working on.    


Please don't hesitate to reach out to us again if you need anything else. We're always here to help. 

Level 1

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

This is craziest thing I have heard. I am owner of the company and software, but still cannot turn off email notifications to my employed accountant from my end and have to call customer support to do that. Same thing goes if you want to cancel reconciliation. You can do it from the accountant end, but no from your end. Really?

Level 2

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

This problem has apparently not been resolved by Quickbooks. 

Anyone have an idea when we will be able to turn off Payroll Notifications? 

Imagine that you have 10 - 15 clients running Quickbooks payroll and receive notifications every time payroll needs to be run or when the payroll withdrawl is being made.

QuickBooks Team

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Welcome to the Community, @LeChuz.


I'll help you turn off the payroll email notifications in QuickBooks Online Accountant.


Here's how:


  1. Go to the Gear icon and choose Payroll settings.
  2. For Email notifications, click the Edit icon for the Payday reminders.
  3. Uncheck the box beside Payday notification.
  4. Once done, hit Save.
  5. Click Done.


You can also read this article to learn more about managing auto payroll in QuickBooks Online: Set up and manage your Auto Payroll in QuickBooks Online Payroll.


Feel free to comment below if you have questions about payroll notifications. I'm always here to help. Have a great day.

Level 2

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

@Ethel_A . I think the question is specific to turning off notification for ACCOUNTANTS, not totally turn off notifications. This is an issue that QB has completely and totally ignored for years as you can see from the thread. Likely a fix that requires very little effort, but yet still goes unfixed.  It is an absolute idiotic design from the get-go that shows no thought was put into the notifications. Why in the world would I want my accountant to receive notifications each pay period? Unless they are actually running my payroll, there is no benefit for them to receive this notification. Instead they block the email (which then blocks all notifications sent to the accountant). Just shaking my head on this one.

Level 2

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

I am having the exact same problem! 

QuickBooks Team

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Let me share some information about removing your accountant from receiving notification, tsterrette. 


The role of accountant is crucial since they maintain systematic records of financial transactions in order to calculate the net profit or loss for an accounting period. That includes the financial position of an entity as on a particular date not to mention that they also  interpret financial records to keep your records accurate. 


As mentioned by my colleague @Giovann G, the option to notify your accountant for any specific activities happening in your account is default and can't be turned off. You'll want to send feedback to let our product team know how this option is beneficial for your business needs. Here's how: 


  1. Select the Gear icon at the top, then Feedback.
  2. Enter your comments or product suggestions. Then select Next to submit feedback. 


This goes out to our Product Development team to help improve your experience in QuickBooks Online. You can track feature requests through the QuickBooks Online Feature Requests website. 


Apart from this, learn the reports that you can access when using payroll to get a closer look at your business finance. I've added this article for more details: Run Payroll Reports


Let me know by leaving a comment if you have further questions about turning off email for accountant. I'm always right here to help you anytime. Have a nice day!

Level 2

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Thanks Maria for your reply.

I'm not sure you are understanding the situation completely. Of course, the role of an accountant is crucial. However, I'm an outside accountant and work with several clients. Getting an email every time a client's payroll is due or a payroll check gets done is overly burdensome


The clients take care of his/her own payroll. I don't need to be involved at that level.

Thanks, RN Storey, CPA

Level 2

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?


I'm thinking you don't understand the entire situation. I am an outside accountant working with many different clients. 


My clients run their own payroll. I don't need to be notified every time payroll is due or when a payroll check is issued. I'm getting 4-5 emails a day on this and it is burdensome.


Thanks, RN Storey


Level 1

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

The suggestion to send feedback was made numerous times without success.

I am a business owner running my own payroll. My accountant only doing some part of the job. Such as bookkeeping. I don't want my accountant to access payroll or receive notifications from payroll. But I can't turn the feature off. 

Level 1

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Same. We may be leaving QBO soon because of this lack of a very basic feature.

Level 1

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Has this still not been fixed?

Irene R
QuickBooks Team

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Hi there, Rinzler.


To be able to define the right details and steps for you to reach your objective, I want to ensure that we're on the same page. May I know what has not been fixed on your end? Have you received any specific errors?


I'd appreciate any additional details you can provide by adding them to your reply. I’ll be waiting for your response. Have a good day!

Level 1

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Going on three years... and no fix for this. I feel sorry for all the accountants still getting emails every time their clients run payroll.

As I sit on hold with tech to see if they can turn off on the "back" end

Level 1

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

As an accountant, I have clients that I do not do their payroll and I don't want to be notified everytime they process payroll.  This is why we would like to be able to turn it off...just for invited accountants.

Level 2

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

@MariaSoledadG . These responses (canned responses) irk me so much. I've been running a business for over 20 years. I think I know how "the role of accountant is crucial" and do not need to be talked down to. Perhaps this is the very problem with this issue and the frustration you read on this thread. Perhaps QBO feels they "know better" than the accountants and business owners on this thread.


I think we would all be better served if QBO just addressed the issue in this thread (years this has been open, years this has been submitted as feedback). There's no more to be said. We don't need to be instructed in how to give feedback (done that multiple times). We don't need to be educated on how to run a business or what role our accountant plays in our business (we do this for a living, everyday!). We just want the ability to specifically shut off certain notifications to our accountant. Why is this so hard to achieve?


Active Member

Can I turn off payroll emails to our accountant?

Reading the comments on this thread have totally discouraged me from believing that QB is lifting a finger to improve this basic problem... Not only is it frustrating to me, but my now-former accountant has had to explain to me and multiple other clients in the past that this is a glitch in Quickbooks that he can't address on his end. However, the last thing I was told by QB Support after trying to address it myself and chatting with them for an eternity was, "It appears that we need to get this case added to INV-108052. And we'll just leave a note in the case feed to let the back end team know what email address to remove. Apologies for the delay. We'll update you via email once done."


It's been four days since then, and I just got another payroll notification email addressed to me and cc'ing my former accountant. SMH, Quickbooks. I don't have time to take a call from the QB Training team and learn the ins and outs of this "glitch," my time is valuable and I shouldn't have to go through your course to undo or work around the poor design of your product. Very disappointed.

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