Hi there, John.
I appreciate you posting your concern about account numbers for your General Ledger accounting record.
The maximum number of digits for an account number to be assigned is up to 20 characters. Also, QuickBooks Online supports your current format xxxxxx-xx.
Here's how to enable account numbers and assign them to your accounts in QBO:
- Go to the Gear icon and select Accounts and Settings.
- Head to the Advanced tab and go to the Chart of Accounts section.
- Toggle the Enable account numbers and enable the Show account numbers checkbox.
- Click Save and then close the settings window.
- On the left menu, hover over Transactions and select Chart of Accounts.
- Click the dropdown arrow under the ACTION column of an account and hit Edit.
- Fill in the account number you prefer and click Save.

Repeat the 6th step for every account you want to assign with account numbers using your desired format and it will show in your General Ledger report.
After that, you can also consider checking out this article to find transactions in your account registers so you can review or edit them easily: Find, review, and edit transactions in account registers in QuickBooks Online.
Let me know if you need additional assistance in adding account numbers to your accounts in QuickBooks Online. I'm always here to support you.