We recognize how incredibly frustrating this situation must be for you, Edjones8. Allow us to provide some information as to why your payroll account is on hold.
When you utilize our payroll services, we debit your business bank account for the direct deposit amounts and payroll taxes due. Your account may be on hold because the debit was returned due to an issue with your bank account. For more detailed information, you may check this article: Resolve a non-sufficient (NSF) hold on your payroll service.
Also, if this is for payroll service is on hold for an urgent issue, QuickBooks Online (QBO) sends an email to the Payroll Admin indicating a specific return code and detailed instructions on what needs to be done to resolve the issue. You can look for emails with subjects like “Urgent Issue with the Payroll Account” or “Payment Request for Failed Payroll Debit.” These emails contain important information about the hold.
Refer to this article for more information: Resolve an urgent issue with your payroll account.
Dealing with this kind of issue requires a comprehensive investigation. Thus, we recommend contacting our Payroll Support team again for a follow-up of your concern. I'm aware that you've reached out to them multiple times, but it's the best we can do right now given that they have all the tools required to look at your account securely.
Furthermore, you can run payroll reports to get a closer look at your business' finances.
We appreciate your patience regarding this matter. Please reply below if you have additional concerns about handling payroll or any QuickBooks-related concerns. We'll be around to lend a hand, Edjones8.