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Level 2

Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

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Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

Hello there, @uday1.


I understand that this isn't the experience that I want you to have in reaching our Phone Support team.


To make sure that you won't get the same spot again, may I know the reason behind your first concern about QuickBooks? This way, I'll be able to share with you the best resolution I have.


Please know we're always here to offer you help. I'll keep my notifications open. Take care!

Level 1

Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

I'm having the same experiences.  Most of the answers in the QB community are not helpful, as they don't have screenshots to show you "where" to find certain features.  Calls to tech support usually take 40 minutes to reach a person.  If you do reach someone, they can usually help.  But, I've also been disconnected during a call with tech support and they didn't call me back.


Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

Hello there, @waruckel.


This isn't the kind of customer service we want you to experience. I'm taking note of the feedback regarding your experience with phone support and here in the Community.


Due to the outbreak, we have limited staffing and have reduced our hours to 6:00 A.M. -6:00 P.M. PT Mon-Fri and some products will only have chat support during this situation. Also, our Customer Support experiencing a high volume of calls or customers waiting in the line. Rest assured that one from our support will call you back one of these days.


You can also contact our Support Team via messaging. They can pull up your account securely and provide other details that might resolve your concern. You can refer to the most recent case number so agents can see your prior history. 


Here's how to reach them:

  1. Open QuickBooks.
  2. Go to the Help menu.
  3. Select Contact Us.
  4. Enter your concern, then select Continue.
  5. Choose Start messaging to connect with a support expert. 

If you need to know more about the QuickBooks Online support hours type, you can refer to this link: Support hours and types.


Also, may I know what's going on and how can I help you get back to business? I'd appreciate if you can provide details of your concern on this thread, so I can lend a hand in fixing the issue. You can also inform, you'll need a screenshot for visual representation.


For free tips and related articles in the future, visit our QuickBooks Community help website for reference: QBO Self-help


I’m looking forward to your response. I'm always here to help. Take good care.

Level 2

Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

Glad I am not the only one saying this. In fact  I am surprised everyone seems to have good experience (well assuming as no one else seems to reply to thread so it must be positive for all else community members ). also the button for new feature button seems useless, I recommended something, no acknowledgement or reply. Seems to be a problem across the board in the way they communicate to their customers. I have had one very positive experience but that seems to be an outlier now in the other bad experiences. 

Level 4

Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

The support is awful.


I hate saying that anyone lies, but seriously I'm at a point where I just feel lied to... and always the same platitudes...  "not the experience we want you to have"... and yet every single time, the experience is the same..   my time gets wasted online/chat/screen share.. the agent tells me the issue is "a top priority" and that I'll be kept posted and nothing.   When I follow up, the next agent claims there's no ticket nor record of my issue and I have to start all over again.


It's like dealing with teenagers who don't want to clean their room.


Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

Hi, PlumBookkeeperCO. I'm here to help and ensure that your questions are addressed accordingly.


For me to be able to provide you with the right issue resolution, can I ask for the specific issues you're facing in QuickBooks?


Any additional information would be highly appreciated.


I hope you can respond to me on this thread so we can work with your concern together. Please know I'm ready to assist further. Have a good one.

Level 4

Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

One issue is the flaw in the Sales Tax Liability Report (STLR)..   there are a number of threads here in the community I have commented on and some I have started.. the problem has been ongoing since BEFORE I first brought it up, as others have commented too.

I found the issue myself and brought that to more than one agent.

QBO fails to recognize for the STLR any invoice that does not have sales taxable items on it.  Example: one of my clients has a sales and service business.  Sometimes their invoices include parts or a sale of an appliance, but sometimes it's only a service call (non-taxable) and nothing else.   Result is, the STLR has an incorrect total sales $, incorrect non-taxable sales $ and is also missing sales to tax exempt entities.   I have to go through hoops to pull the correct numbers for them every month.  It needs to be fixed, I'm tired of asking.


Second issue came up on Aug 31.  I asked a brand new client to transfer their billing to me (yes, understanding that their bill won't change due to the new wholesale stuff, but they would rather pay one bill each month for subscription plus bookkeeping).  I reminded them again to initiate the transfer a few days later and they told me they had done it.  I sent them the steps and they confirmed that's what they had done.  On my end (in billing and subscriptions) I see this client in the "client-billed" part of my bill/subsc and see the "no (permission required)" in the transfer column and "transfer to me" is greyed out.  I get on chat, share screen..  2 hours of back/forth and then told it was a known issue and working on it.    I got an email the next day with a ticket # on it, but hear nothing more.  Today *I* follow up with you and ask and told that ticket isn't right... then I spend the next hour going back over the entire issue once again.  Then told yes, it's a known issue and we're working on it.


You'll probably tell me you can't see how many hours I've spent on chat/shared screen with various agents over time on these two issues... but it is many... every time the same platitudes and every time nothing changes.


I'm normally an incredibly polite, overly-tolerant person but I am at the end of that rope now.


What does it take to get these two issues fixed?

Level 2

Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

I can't even get a human being on the phone to help!  Over an hour wait.  I can't ask my employees to go without a paycheck, however....I had to this past week.  Still no response from QB.  QB has HORRIBLE customer support!!!!  And I pay a huge amount to do payroll for TWO people.  

Level 1

Is Quickbooks support terrible. Three diff call backs One Hung up, One put me on hold for 15 mins, one just wont talk and i know they are connected. Do Not Subscribe

Yes, it is horrible. I had to call to resolve an issue, trying to explain that the transaction in question has already been reconciled, so I have to be careful. after 30 minutes on the phone, their only advice was to delete the transaction. Completely missing the point, as a deleted transaction destroys my reconcile.


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