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Level 1

Payroll help

I'll try to lay this out as clearly as I can. I have 2 accts on QBO that I work with. In the beginning one was labeled "Hub (235)" and the other was labeled "Operating (233)". After a while, the decision was made to change the labels. "Hub" became "Operating (235)" and "Operating" became "Office (233)". For whatever reason, (probably me thinking it would make things easier/clearer - cue eyeroll) a new register was created for the "Office (233)" acct. I use the "Office" acct to pay employees and bills, and "Operating" is used for materials, tools, etc.


Flash forward to last night. Now, I will be completely honest, I have been using desktop since 2007. I really do not like QBO. When I use it,  I usually become incredibly frustrated over the limitations on what I can and can't do (like unreconcile an entire month at one time) However, now I am suffering the consequences of my inaction, and I need some help, please.


Last night I discovered that one of my biggest issues is that Payroll has been recording the paychecks in the "Operating (233)" register. (I fixed this in payroll settings) Anyway, I thought, ok I'll just edit the paychecks. Wrong. Since they were DD, the only way to change the acct is to void the check. What kind of Pandora's Box will I be opening by doing that? I assume I'll have to go back and recreate the paychecks for the employees using the correct acct, and that rather than DD, I'll select paper check. There must be a better way, right? I'm talking about 31 transactions ranging from March to June, so not too many, but still... I'll do it, if that's the only way. I just thought I'd ask before I get started. 


Also, QBO created a transaction in the register "to adjust balance for deletion". It's a reconciled deposit of $9,546.46 to Opening Balance Equity. Can I just void that? I'm sure it's playing a role in why my books are out of whack.


Yes, as soon as this mess is sorted, I will make sure that this register is made inactive so nothing else can be recorded there.


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

3 Comments 3
Irene R
QuickBooks Team

Payroll help

Hi there, Snruss3ll72.


Yes, you can void the check and recreate the paycheck for your employees in order to have it recorded in the correct account. When doing so, you have to contact our support for the correction process. With this, you can also ask about the measures to be taken regarding the transaction on your register that you ought to be causing dissidence in your QuickBooks Online (QBO) books. You can follow the steps below to get a hold of them:


  1. Log in to your QBO account.
  2. Click on Help (?) at the upper right corner of your screen.
  3. Tap on Search, then select Contact Us.
  4. Select a topic to connect with the right expert.
  5. Choose how to contact our QB support team.
  • Via a Callback - a spot is saved and will call you back.
  • Via Chat -  start a chat with our support.


Kindly know that our QuickBooks Online Payroll Core live support team follows Pacific Standard Time and is available from Mondays to Fridays from 6 AM to 6 PM. And our QuickBooks Online Payroll Premium and Elite are available any time of the day.


Let me know if you have additional queries with your payroll paychecks in QBO, Snruss3ll72. Just leave a comment with your questions below. I'll jump right back to assist you.

Level 1

Payroll help

Thank you, Irene. I was thinking that perhaps using journal entries to move the paychecks from one acct to the other might work, but I suspect that would only be half the solution (if it's a solution at all), and I don't know what the other half would be. I'll reach out to QB support. Thank you again.

Level 1

Payroll help

Thank you, Irene. I was thinking that perhaps using journal entries to move the paychecks from one acct to the other might work, but I suspect that would only be half the solution (if it's a solution at all), and I don't know what the other half would be. I'll reach out to QB support. Thank you again.

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