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Employee Vacation Time

Thanks for joining the thread, @twcw4.


I'd love to help you achieve your goal, but would you mind sharing more details about the hours you want to get based on the anniversary date? Are you trying to create a report or setting up the hours? It can help us get on the same page and provide accurate resolution.


I'll wait for your reply, or if you have any other questions, please let us know. We're always here to help. Have a great day.

Level 1

Employee Vacation Time

this is my exact situation. Quickbooks, please answer this scenario for us.


QuickBooks Team

Employee Vacation Time

Hello there, Tpierce15. 
It appears that you have posted a similar query twice. My colleague has already answered, and she has provided more information on the employee vacation time report. You can view her response through this link:
If you have any follow-up questions or need further assistance with QuickBooks-related concerns, I'm always here to help you. 

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