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Level 1

QBDT Payroll and Guideline Integration - BIG ISSUES!

I have been dealing with what feels like a nightmare with the QBDT and Guideline Integration.  

QB Support defers me to Guideline and Guideline continues to tell me it is a QB issue.  I havent been able to run payroll in 3 weeks.  It all started when one of my employees in QB was completely deleted (not by myself) and i then re-added that employee back to QB.  In QB it now shows that this re-added employee is not receiving an ER 401K match (in Edit Employee: Payroll Info under Deductions).  I cannot manually add this data and a error code comes up when i try to saying "Guideline would need to add this".  

Guideline now indicates that there are 2 employees with the same name in their system and each of them have a different code/number associated with them.  QBDT ONLY shows me one employee with this name and i have no way of looking up the code as Guideline has advised for that deleted employee.   I requested that Guideline merge these two different employees since they are the SAME person, same name, same social, etc..  It's been 3 weeks of them continuing to send me emails saying the team is "working on solution", meanwhile i cannot process payroll.  And now, to top it off, I can't even run payroll at all because everytime i go to the "Pay Employees > Scheduled/Unscheduled payroll" the box comes up where Guideline is attempting to Sync the payroll data and then completely shuts down my QB file.  Try again, same result.  


NIGHTMARE!  I've spent many valuable hours on QB support and Guideline support with no real answers on fixing this issue.  Considering just finding a new 401K administrator that does NOT sync with QBDT -- this is very obviously an integration/bug issue between QBDT and Guideline.  Then do 401K on payroll manually.   

1 Comment 1
Community Champion

QBDT Payroll and Guideline Integration - BIG ISSUES!

Not sure what happened, but it's not possible (isn't supposed to be possible) to delete an employee that has been used in QuickBooks on time or on transactions. So, probably that deleted employee has been made inactive and is still there on the employee list.

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