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Level 2

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

This is a major issue for me processing payroll.  It is very often that I don't have the employee's address and or SS prior to running the first and sometimes 3rd payrolls before I can get hands on a W-4.  And when we add foreign employees it can take weeks for a SS number to be issued.  This is unacceptable to be forced to create bogus data only in order to process and then have to change it when the actual data is ultimately provided.  This cannot go on.

Level 1

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

This is especially annoying for those of us using third party payroll providers. We can import the payroll data, but still need to enter the basics like Employee Name so that the import has somewhere to go. That's all fine and dandy, but now we need to enter SSN, DOB, and Address??? What a farce.

Community Champion

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

@Tiredofthiscompany  RE: What a farce.


Yes, this latest update requiring all sorts of data that is either not required to run payroll or isn't even information employers are required to gather at all is a complete farce! 


It doesn't seem that anyone at Intuit can fathom that some employees might not have a phone number, or might not have an email address, and that even if they do they are not required to share that information with their employer. These changes demonstrate a complete lack of a critical or logical thought process.


paper bag.gif

Level 2

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

One would think that Intuit would at least reach out to end users before making such a bone headed change!  On top of this issue I just received notice Intuit is raising their desktop pricing again (second year in a row).  I'm reaching out to other CPA firms to see what other alternatives to QB are out there.  Will share any ideas here if I can find anything worth considering.  There is an old adage that goes, no one just wakes up one day and says I'm going to change who I buy from after 25 years of doing business with them.  We're given a reason to go looking.     

Pay employees under the Family F
Level 2

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

What I did to work around this issue is input the same date of birth for each employee.  Intuit does not need this information.  I did the same with Social Security numbers and made up a number.  The system will not let you duplicate a social and it also will not allow [removed].  There is a work-a-round but we should not have to work around.  Intuit has way too much control and I wish they would stay out of our accounting files and let us do what we need to do.  We bought the software, now support it and stay out of the files.  The data is none of their business though they have made it as such.  A lot of people are very angry with intuit.  I, as well, am  looking at other options.  Intuit is not the only game in town.  

Pay employees under the Family F
Level 2

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

This entire 2023 software and payroll module is completely ridiculous!  You are correct!  The W-4 has no place for a Date of Birth.  The Date of Birth appears only on the I-9 form.  The reason is because employer's are not supposed to discriminate based upon age.  Intuit is aware of this.  As I have said, intuit is data mining.  

The new changes this year to not only the software but also the payroll module are hurting a lot of businesses.   Payroll is taking longer to process due to all of intuits new software requirements.

Solution:  Enter the same date of birth, make up a social but don't use 1 - 9 sequentially, that is not allowed, and you can at least process the payroll for which we all pay way too much.

Mark Krikava
Level 3

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

I didn't intend for this to blow up (yay, I'm trending, lol) but I'm glad it is.

By the way they are also ending their support for their POS system, which means we won't be using their merchant services for much longer, either.

I'm starting to think they're looking to dump all of this bookkeeping and accounting stuff and focus on their other products, like "TurboTax, personal finance app Mint, the small business accounting program QuickBooks, the credit monitoring service Credit Karma, and email marketing platform Mailchimp." (Source: Wikipedia)

Basically it feels like Quickbooks has turned to the dark side and is leaving us with our ledgers in our hands lookin' like fools.

Regarding the original issue, I didn't realize they were asking for literally more than employment paperwork requires--like people's date of birth. I keep track of that for birthday parties but I would never share that information with anyone outside this office. It does sound like a data-mining scheme, guess I should find our agreement and figure out if we've already given them permission to use our employee's data. Grr.

Level 2

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

I totally agree!!  This is a requirement that should not have anything to do with Quickbooks!  I will be searching for another platform it you do not take away this requirement!  

Level 1

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

I agree completely.  There is no reason for QB to ask for this data at employee setup time, not even the SS # and address.  We all know this info is ultimately required, but frequently not available before processing the first payroll.  The date of birth entry is not needed at all, and to require it is an intrusive invasion of privacy by QB.  I also agree with the commenters who expressed that QB will eventually pay the price for their tactics.  Accountants are already searching for alternatives. 

Level 1

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

I have been looking too.  I would also be interested in alternatives to QB if anyone has a suggestion.  


Level 3

Requiring employee personal data in QB is a hard "no."

That's what we do and so there is NO need for Intuit to know any of there personal data.

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