Hello there, gonzalezarnau.
It will be my pleasure to help you figure out why it doesn't match your W-2 in QuickBooks Online.
We can run the Payroll Tax and Wage Summary or Payroll Details report to ensure the data is correct.
Here's how:
- On the left panel, click Reports.
- In the search bar, type in and select Payroll Tax and Wage Summary or Payroll Details.
- Filter the date range.
- Click Run Report.
In case you want to know more about how our system populates the boxes from the form, I'm adding the article I recommend: How QuickBooks populates W-2.
If the reports above still don't match, I recommend giving us a call. You'll need the assistance of our Live Support to create some adjustments into your Quickbooks account.
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Wishing you all the best.