So, I have now transferred 3 different clients from desktop to QBO. All looks like it worked as planned. Bank balances etc are ok. But, in all 3 cases, I know have a deposit screen full of old undeposited funds, which, in QB desktop, were deposited. I can't deposit them again because it will mess up the bank balance. So, how do I get rid of them? Some are zero transactions, which are fine, but the rest have $ amounts that can't go into the bank account. Chat help told me to just ignore them, which is ridiculous. On current client I have 7 screens of "not real" deposits to sift through. Anyone else had this problem and know a solution? Since I just did this client, I can go back and make changes in desktop if necessary and reupload.
Just as an aside, for the other 2 clients I deposited into uncategorized assets, so now the undeposited funds shows -1800 and uncategorized assets shows +1800. It works but it looks dumb.